Horoscopes: Oct. 22 – 28, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: This week, as the sun enters Scorpio, you feel yourself getting in touch with your innermost desires and deepest thoughts. During this time of year as the days get darker you feel braver. You face the shadow side of the self with honor and respect. Hidden things are uncovered. Organic changes and shifts in mood and intensity are accepted as you tune in to the cycle of nature, which we are always a part of. 

Taurus: This week as the sun enters your sister sign of Scorpio you seek to deepen your understanding of the more mysterious things in life. Taboo topics seem to surface and inspiration arises from unlikely places. You find yourself reaching deeper understandings with people whose experiences differ greatly from yours. You can transform situations through this nuanced approach. 

Gemini: This week as the sun shifts into Scorpio and your ruling planet Mercury is in Libra, you value getting to the heart of matters. Your intuition sharpens to a point in your quest for truth. Disingenuous people’s motives become very apparent to you and induce from you a sigh and an eye roll, since you just can’t play along any more.

Cancer: This week as the sun enters your fellow water sign of Scorpio you seek to align yourself with your feelings in the real world; it’s about validating your perspective instead of taking the lead that others are projecting. Topics that are usually difficult to discuss may bubble up to the surface at this time. The taboo and the mysterious are particularly inspiring.

Leo: This week as the sun enters the fellow fixed sign of Scorpio you are seeking to slow down, cool off, and take a more thoughtful approach. You feel that you have finally found a footing in your energy that can hold you securely instead of allowing you to be carried off by every whim. You are thinking deeply, focusing on spirituality and self reflection.

Virgo: This week you are feeling the thought provoking effects of the sun in Scorpio in conjunction with your ruling planet Mercury’s stay in Libra. Your mental energy runs high and has a thirst for new information and knowledge. You want something to believe in. Maybe that thing is you. 

Libra: This week as we say goodbye to your solar season your mood and imagination shift into a cooler and calmer gear. You are feeling the effects of the sun in Scorpio. Through this season you are inspired to work on upholding your personal boundaries and deepen your appreciation for the less palatable side of your personality. It’s not always about being liked, right?

Scorpio: This week you are in your element as the sun enters Scorpio! You begin a month of deep transformation and emotional intensity and while others signs are squeamish about these kinds of things you absolutely revel in them. You are ready to make friends with your shadow self and make peace with what scares you. You are feeling yourself in all of your mysteriously dark allure.

Sagittarius: This week you are feeling more thoughtful and secluded as the sun enters Scorpio. You are in a pensive and self reflective headspace and you aren’t shy about really looking at what you find. Scorpio season has a way of shining a light on our hidden aspects and teaching us powerful ways to radically accept them.

Capricorn: This week as we begin Scorpio season you reach a great clarity of mind and purpose. Scorpio season has a way of clearing the fog around your mental energy so you can get things done. Your confidence and decisiveness are boosted all through the end of October and into mid November. Business and networking are highlighted for you under this transit. 

Aquarius: This week as the sun enters Scorpio you feel your personal aura intensifying and your creative energy is radiating through it. You are getting inspiration from unlikely places. Your listening ears are on, and you are able to decipher the deeper meaning of the information in the world around you. Scorpio season has a way of showing us that things are not always what they seem but also that you have the power to reach a nuanced understanding.

Pisces: This week as the sun enters your fellow water sign of Scorpio you feel the deeply spiritual and intuitive effects of this most mysterious season. You are always a person intrigued by the darker and more unusual side of things and your open heart has the power to accept them without judgement. At this time you are uncovering your true feelings and motives, and others may be revealing theirs to you as well. You are the kind of person who opens doors.

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