Horoscopes: Feb. 12 – 18, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: In the middle of the end of Mercury retrograde, an energetic slump and creative roadblock can be inevitable. This week you may have to hype yourself up in order to accomplish even the simplest tasks, but once you get some momentum you will feel that it was easier than you thought it was going to be. A Saturn and Chiron transit occurring in your sign brings your past and your present together in mindful harmony, beginning a cycle of realization and identifying the people, places and things most significant and formative to your present day. There can be a new appreciation for some things that strengthen you and a simple willingness to let go of other things that hold you back.

Taurus: This week you crave a space to move about more freely. You want to streamline your schedule, get things out of the way, and feel unburdened from obligations that usually seem to loom over your head. The expectations of others can make you quite anxious. Mid-February may feel like a good time to refresh your routine and de-clutter. Mercury is still in retrograde until the 20th, so don’t forget to tread lightly in social situations and keep the heavy conversations to a tactful minimum if you can help it.

Gemini: This week may feel like a good one to gloss over. Your ruling planet still retrograde until the 20th can make you feel off in a way that’s hard to pinpoint or explain. Your memory slips in surprising and frustrating ways. Putting pressure on yourself to be at 110% can highlight the cracks in your smiling facade. It’s a good time to lay low. Next week you can begin to pick up where you left off. Despite this you remain in good spirits, especially during your alone time.

Cancer: This feels like a big waiting game, Cancer! You are waiting for the pieces to fall into place and the tides to shift so you can make your next move. You are looking beyond the mundane and towards the profound. Mercury retrograde jogs our memory and makes us rethink. In the next few months you anticipate something bright and exciting, but you are not sure what it will be, and this spark of hope is equal parts scary and intriguing but it nonetheless gets you out of bed in the morning. This week your inner life and subconscious mind are running the show.

Leo: The new moon occuring in Aquarius on the 11th sets off a three week cycle of getting serious about goals, resources and priorities. There is a change to your usual approach, and you may not feel like simply “going with the flow” anymore. Venus is in your partnership sector until the 25th and it creates an environment that both attracts and exudes intensity. Depending on who is looking, they may either be delighted or frightened. Despite the usually stunting effects of Mercury retrograde, you seem to be tackling the odds and obstacles with a unique grace that is all your own.

Virgo: The new moon in Aquarius this week shines a spotlight on your need to shake things up at home or at work. You stick very closely to a narrow array of tasks, and it’s getting just a touch monotonous. Actually, it has been for a while, but you are now fully realizing it. It’s time to diversify the things you do during the week. Sometimes your extreme practicality can get in the way of enjoying the little things. Sunlight is still warm when it shines through the windows in winter. Your ruler Mercury still in retrograde until the 20th means you may be experiencing some frustrations with commuting and communications. Go easy on yourself!

Libra: The sun in your 5th house has a focus on your creative endeavors and relaxing hobbies.  Mid-February is a good time for branching out, dating, romance, and self-expression. Your weirder, more eclectic side shines through under the liberating influence of the sun in Aquarius, and you are judging yourself and others less and less every day. Mercury retrograde continues its tirade until the 20th, so we can still expect delays in the more practical arenas of life, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. 

Scorpio: The new moon in Aquarius on the 11th gets you in touch with a side of yourself that feels both old and familiar yet new and exciting. Those close to you may notice that you have become more talkative and affectionate. You may even be adopting a slightly more sunny disposition. This week, your days feel simpler and you sail through them without noticing the ticking of the clock as much as you usually would. Your personal life and inner world are coming along nicely.

Sagittarius: This week is busy and may not be operating in the smoothest fashion due to Mercury’s continuing retrograde. Fortunately, it returns to station on the 20th. It has been hard to focus or articulate yourself lately, and the new moon in Aquarius on the 11th refreshes your perspective and dislodges some stuck thoughts. From now until the end of February you continue to traverse the mountain path that you seem to be on, every step closer to the summit.

Capricorn: February highlights your 2nd house, which rules personal affairs, financial matters, and conceptual value. You may be reflecting on what those things truly mean to you and how they reflect on your self esteem. It can be challenging not to compare your path to the paths of others, but it’s imperative that you try to avoid doing so. This is not an easy time for anybody, and you have been doing your best. Check to see whose dream it is that you are chasing.

Aquarius: The new moon occurring in your first house on the 11th sees both the end and start of something. A project you have been working on may see its completion or a new set of resources may be coming your way. Mid-February is a time of commerce and connection for you. There can be satisfaction and reward seen this week for your continuing efforts, just when you were wondering if and when you would ever see any results. There is cause for celebration in each step! Your positive energy and kind words bring you good things via your reputation. 

Pisces: This week highlights your privacy sector and the deeper aspects of your solar chart. You may be doing some intense soul searching this week as the new moon in Aquarius on the 11th highlights the arena of the connection between mind and spirit. Sometimes you are so caught up helping others that you neglect your spiritual well being. It can feel at times like too much of a luxury to pursue such things when material world matters always feel most pressing. What does that mean to you? Only you can decide.

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