Laurie Heineman
food-service worker | New York City
"I went to Brevard Zoo in Florida and interacted with the lemurs. They live on a separate island at the zoo. For an additional fee, people can visit them. They were so playful. One of them touched me with his tail. They look like small monkeys. It was the best 20 minutes of my summer. I highly recommend it to anybody."

Edward Landin
musician | Mt. Airy
“I traveled to Ireland. It was beautiful. The people were very kind. I drank lots of Guinness beer. We rented a car and I toured the countryside. While we were in the country, I saw a full rainbow for the first time in my life. It was magnificent.”

Jeff Olson
medical student | Society Hill
"For six weeks this summer, I participated in a work-study program. I learned so much. The educational component was invaluable. I feel better equipped to move forward in the helping profession. I have three more years to go, and then I’ll be a doctor."

Jeff Stingerstein
adjunct professor | Society Hill
"I visited multiple cities in Germany. I stayed in Schönsee for two weeks at an ‘intentional community.’ That’s a community of people who want to live apart from mainstream society. It was a great experience. Everyone was very loving, welcoming and open-hearted."
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