Drew Jenkins
bartender | South Philadelphia
"No. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with that subject. If people are going to be racist bigots, they’ll be that way, regardless of sexual orientation. It has no bearing whatsoever. What has bearing is the way you were brought up."

Lucia Mancini
student | Washington Square
"I would say yes, simply because gay men are an oppressed minority. They’re kindred spirits with other minorities, with some exceptions. Generally speaking, I would say it’s true they’ll have more empathy for racial minorities."

Katelynn Mirra
student | Washington Square
"Yes, it makes sense to me. The gay men I know do seem very nice to other people. They’re used to being oppressed in society, so they avoid doing something that’s been done to them."

Ashley Thompson
musician | West Philadelphia
"People are people. You’re going to run into angry people in any community. But overall, I’d say the gay community is much less racist than the straight community. That’s because gay men already know what it’s like to be discriminated against."
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