What type of federal antibias protections do you think exist for LGBTs in the workplace?
Oskar Juul Darket
child-care worker | Copenhagen, Denmark
“It would surprise me if there are any federal protections for gay people in this country. I’ve heard a lot of bad stories about gay people being discriminated against in America. I’ve also heard about the gay bashings. Antigay violence in my country is very rare. I haven’t researched the subject. But my gut tells me there are no [federal] protections.”
Oskar Juul Darket
child-care worker | Copenhagen, Denmark
“It would surprise me if there are any federal protections for gay people in this country. I’ve heard a lot of bad stories about gay people being discriminated against in America. I’ve also heard about the gay bashings. Antigay violence in my country is very rare. I haven’t researched the subject. But my gut tells me there are no [federal] protections.”

Molly Hughes
production designer | Society Hill
“Well, I know there’s a law against sexually harassing members of the LGBT community at work. That’s spelled out in my employment contract. But I’ve never seen any hiring and firing protections for LGBTs. So I’m assuming there is no [federal] law against that, which is unfortunate. Not hiring someone because of their sexual preference is bizarre.”

Neal Moore
salesperson | Cherry Hill, N.J.
“There has to be a federal gay-rights law. Just like there’s a federal law against racial discrimin-ation. This is the 21st century. Common sense tells me there’s a [federal] gay-rights law on the books. In this country, you’re not allowed to fire someone because they’re gay, just like you can’t fire someone because they’re black.”

Catherine Signorello
homemaker | Society Hill
“I’m not sure. My guess is there aren’t any. But there definitely should be. People should be able to go to work in a safe environment. They shouldn’t have to worry about someone else’s prejudices concerning their private life.”
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