If anyone out there trends toward bad eating and fewer workouts like I do in the craziness we call the holiday season, then talk of resolutions would probably sound like the teacher in a Charlie Brown special. I’m not really a New Year’s resolution guy, but I will offer a challenge for sports enthusiasts in the gay community this coming year: Join me in trying at least one sport in 2013 that you do not currently participate in.
Do you play tennis, but haven’t played in a number of years? You can jump into that immediately. Same thing with bowling, soccer, swimming or wrestling. You can even do a Saturday-morning run with the Frontrunners all winter. (Meet them at Lloyd Hall at 10:15 a.m. any given Saturday.) Interested in grabbing a bat, being in a scrum or grabbing some flags? You can get involved with softball, rugby or flag football in the spring.
Pledge with me to try at least one sport in 2013 if you are not currently participating in one or, if you are, trying an additional new sport. Information on local LGBT sports options can be found in many of my previous columns, or you can look inside the back cover of PGN on the fourth week of the month. Easier still, go online to epgn.com/pages/bulletin_board.
Big Game Event III
This annual party presented by the Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League is quickly becoming the best post-holiday season event and not only raises money for Action AIDS, but it’s also a damn fun time. Two years in University City saw good turnouts and, now that the party is moving to The Painted Bride Arts Center, 230 Vine St., it should escalate quickly into a huge event.
Mark your calendars for Feb. 3 for a super evening of football, food, an open bar, silent auction, raffles and general gaiety. General admission is $40 in advance or $50 at the door, and VIP tickets for the pre-party at 5 p.m. are $65. Host committee tickets are $125, which includes two tickets to the VIP reception and main event, listing on materials and free gifts from our sponsors. Full-time college students also receive a discount.
For contact information for sponsorships or general information on GPFFL and the Big Game Event III, visit www.phillyflagfootball.com.

Short stops • Thank you, everyone, for making Get Out and Play a success in 2012. I will continue to support all of our sports organizations to the best of my ability. Please keep those comments and likes coming on epgn.com! • Sports and recreation contacts and website information is included in the PGN Community Bulletin Board every fourth Friday of the month (this week) on the inside back cover and can also be accessed at epgn.com. Countdown to Gay Games IX: 588 days. If you have any sports-related events happening over the holidays or in January, or Gay Games questions, email [email protected].