Keeping the presses humming

    It’s Tuesday and my column is still unwritten. At times like this, the best way to accomplish the mission of choosing a topic is to ask the people around the office for suggestions. As I stroll from department to department and watch the daily grind of putting out a weekly newspaper, it takes my breath away.

    In the editorial offices, Scott is busy laying out the paper, blocking blank spaces on blank pages where pictures and/or copy will go, while Sarah is deciding which stories and pictures will make the final cut. Jen is working on a complex story on the death of a historic Philadelphian, while Tim is out chasing the Boy Scouts story. Sean is busy designing the house ad to announce that PGN has been named one of the best weekly newspapers in North America by the Local Media Association, a mainstream journalism organization of more than 2,000 newspaper members. I wanted to ask Larry, but he’s preparing for an interview with Dan Savage, so he’s a little busy.

    Heading upstairs, I checked in to the business department here at PGN. Dan, our marketing and advertising director, is having a meeting with his sales team, looking at future issues and strategizing. Don, office manager and circulation guru, is preparing to order 20 new vending boxes for our distribution center. Don is always happy when we plan for PGN’s future. And Carol is busy working on accounts payable and receivable — and, since she sits directly in front of me, I ask her: Carol what should I write about this week? She replies, “Write about what a great executive assistant you have.” Translation: Write about her.

    She’s right: She is special. And so is everyone here at PGN. It takes a special person to be on constant deadline and deal with the stress of breaking stories, keeping accounts happy, keeping graffiti off our vending boxes, chasing someone for that special picture, planning and delivering features, laying it all out and analyzing complex issues facing the community.

    Maybe I’ll have better luck tomorrow, Wednesday. We go to press on Wednesday at 5 p.m. Sarah hates when I get her my column late. She also gets cross when a major story breaks late on a Wednesday and they have to change the entire layout of the paper. [Editor’s note: Don’t they know we go to press on Wednesday? And that the world revolves around us?]

    Looking at my computer, I note there is an email from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association that needs my attention. As I respond to that, there’s another. This time, it’s the Philadelphia Multi-Cultural Newspaper Association and a meeting to plan our launch party.

    Just another day in the trenches.

    Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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