Does it help or hurt LGBT rights to have a celebrity’s support?
Randall Carroll
mechanic | Essington
“It helps because it puts it in the public awareness, for those who might be sympathetic in the mainstream but aren’t focused on it.”
Randall Carroll
mechanic | Essington
“It helps because it puts it in the public awareness, for those who might be sympathetic in the mainstream but aren’t focused on it.”

Rachel Kinback
costume designer | Center City
“It helps, but it’s even better if the star is LGBT. Then, there’s more power behind the statement. Young people can look up to the person as a role model. A straight star can help too, as long as they’re not doing it for publicity.”

Roger Wolgemuth
graduate student | Washington Square West
“It depends on the celebrity and whether they’re being truthful. Someone like Brad Pitt, I admire. But I’d have some concern if the person didn’t appear to be genuine. More important than their words, I look at their track record, and whether they have a history of gay-bashing.”“If it’s sincere and the celebrity isn’t doing it for ulterior motives, then it’s helpful. If it isn’t from the heart, people will see through it. The celebrity should also back up their words with good deeds.”
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