Horoscopes: March 21-27, 2025

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: The solar Venus conjunction on March 23 brings insight into your emotions and relationships, making this an ideal time to smooth over disputes. Later in the week, when Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27, a nearly year-long period begins, pushing back against preconceived notions and oppressive power dynamics.

Taurus: As the sun conjuncts Venus on March 23, you feel like spoiling yourself. Recognition for your talents is especially important this week, and validation feels more like a goal than usual. Surrounding yourself with those who believe in you is key. When Lilith moves into Scorpio on March 27 for its new phase until December, your tolerance for unfairness shifts, especially when it comes to defending others.

Gemini: Relationships benefit from positive energy as the Venus-solar conjunction on March 23 helps clarify communication and reaffirm connections. The following day, on March 24, your ruler Mercury also conjuncts the sun, highlighting matters of self and boosting your confidence. As Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 for the remainder of the year, your rebellious side takes the lead, guiding you with its own unique wisdom.

Cancer: Greater understanding and mutual respect emerge in both friendships and romantic relationships as the sun conjuncts Venus on March 23. You find deeper joy in the complexities of human interaction. As Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 until December, you begin to stand up for others more assertively, making peace with the idea that doing what’s right doesn’t always mean being seen as the hero.

Leo: Expressing your affections feels easier than ever on March 23 and March 24, as Venus and Mercury conjunct the sun, giving you both the words and confidence to do so. Lilith moves into Scorpio on March 27 until December, inspiring you to step away from external expectations and into a more authentic version of yourself. Not everyone will be your friend, but you realize some people aren’t worth the effort.

Virgo: If insecurities have been keeping you from truly connecting in friendships and romance, the solar conjunctions of Venus on March 23 and Mercury on March 24 help you see that it’s time to move beyond your hang-ups and go after what your heart truly desires. When Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 until December, there is a gradual shift toward releasing what has been repressed, redefining the moral grounds on which you stand, and becoming unapologetic in the expression of your sexual and/or gender identity.

Libra: A boost of confidence arrives when your ruler conjuncts the sun on March 23, allowing your best intentions to shine through in relationships. This is an excellent week for smoothing over misunderstandings and deepening connections. Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 until December 2025, ushering in an intense season of ideological shifts that change the way you interact with the world. Now is not the time to say things you don’t mean just to be “nice.”

Scorpio: The sun moves into conjunction with Venus on March 23, followed by Mercury on March 24, making this week excellent for creative pursuits and personal expression. Relationships gain greater clarity, and you can finally decide how you feel about a certain situation or person. Lilith moves into your sign on March 27 until December, where it feels right at home challenging the status quo, defying authority, and foregoing gender expectations.

Sagittarius: Your love of beauty and luxury is highlighted as Venus conjuncts the sun on March 23, leaving you in the mood to indulge yourself. Ego frictions with a lover may surface this week but should blow over quickly if you allow them to. Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 until December, magnifying issues around power dynamics and hidden agendas.

Capricorn: The solar Venus conjunction on March 23 brings a harmonious vibe to friendships and romance that lingers throughout the week. Meanwhile, Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 until December, gradually revealing hidden desires as the months progress. Lilith in Scorpio also inspires outspokenness, contradictions and ideological transformations. It can be an intense time, but it may bring much-needed truth into the light.

Aquarius: After a challenging period of reflection on how you want to show up in relationships, Venus conjuncts the sun on March 23 and provides a soft place to land if you’re ready to try a new approach. When Lilith moves into Scorpio on March 27 until December, you are no stranger to going against the grain and offering bold perspectives.

Pisces: As the sun conjuncts Venus on March 23, you seek to beautify your life and focus more on yourself. When Lilith enters Scorpio on March 27 for a nine-month stay, philosophical arguments and ideological shifts emerge. This period may force you to realize that, on certain topics, you can no longer agree to disagree.

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