Aries: Your ability to express yourself gets a boost when Mercury and Venus conjunct on Feb. 11. This is an auspicious time for repairing or deepening relationships through communication. Artistic projects may also see progress. With Venus still retrograde in your sign, you continue a period of backtracking, reviewing, and revisiting emotional or romantic aspects of your life. A handful of minor challenges bring increased awareness and personal growth. Give yourself the grace to recognize the meaning behind them.
Taurus: Your ruler Venus conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, making it the perfect time to articulate the ideas that have been brewing in your mind. If you tend to keep things to yourself or worry that your more provocative questions might be disruptive, consider getting more comfortable with stirring things up. The following day, the sun conjuncts Saturn, offering the potential for greater insight and maturity — if you’re willing to admit a difficult truth. Meanwhile, Venus continues its retrograde through Aries, where the past plays heavily into your current actions.
Gemini: Mercury, your ruling planet, continues its transit of Aries, making this a week of action and perpetual motion. It may be difficult to know when to take a break. When Mercury conjuncts Venus on Feb. 11, something from the past resurfaces in a current relationship and must be explicitly addressed. Hard conversations are necessary this week, and transparency simplifies things. As the week progresses, emotions deepen and strengthen.
Cancer: You may not fully understand someone’s motives, but it’s important to let them ride their own wave. This week, Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, reminding you that being open-minded — even when you disagree — is an essential part of connection. You don’t have to think exactly like someone else to be in sync with them.
Leo: The context of a situation is especially important before taking action this week — first impressions can be deceiving. Venus in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, bringing awareness of how the choices you’ve made over the past eight years (the length of a Venus cycle) have shaped your relationships and love life. The waxing moon in your sign on Feb. 9 reassures you that you’re making progress in your latest endeavors, even if it hasn’t felt that way.
Virgo: As Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, the complex reasons behind your more impulsive relationship choices become clear. You may feel frustrated by past mistakes, but with some reflection, you have the opportunity to do things differently next time and let go of the urge to punish yourself. The waxing moon in your sign on Feb. 12 brings confidence that your recent investments — whether emotional or material — will be fruitful.
Libra: With your ruler Venus still retrograde in Aries, its conjunction with Mercury puts you in a headspace of exploring what fears hold you back from chasing what you truly desire. This is a good week to keep communication simple and direct — especially when expressing affection toward romantic partners or crushes. Don’t overcomplicate it. Just say the thing.

Scorpio: Existing relationships are deepening, with their stories growing richer and more complex. Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, helping you articulate your emotions — first to yourself, then to others. This is a good week for emotional communication. You’ve also been particularly fixated on fairness, sensing an imbalance in some exchanges that may appear even on the surface. Approach the topic kindly and patiently, but be firm.
Sagittarius: You feel drawn to retracing your steps and redoing things this week as Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11. You sense that this is the moment when you’re aware enough to break old patterns — especially in friendships and romance. You know better now.
Capricorn: You like to think of yourself as someone who always knows what they want, but this week, as Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, you may be asked to consider alternative possibilities. Choices and themes that have been an undercurrent in your love life for the past eight years become glaringly apparent. It’s up to you whether to make changes or continue down the same path. Either way, a certain fear is holding you back, and it must be released.
Aquarius: When it comes to your love life, you can’t keep doing the same things and expecting different results. If you keep hitting a wall in romance, it’s time to change your approach. Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, bringing clarity and a desire to improve your self-esteem.
Pisces: Old friends and long-term committed relationships are your focus this week — you’re not interested in acquiring shiny new things right now. You find value in what feels stable and in people who truly know you. Venus retrograde in Aries conjuncts Mercury on Feb. 11, inspiring you to invest your energy in people and places that transform that energy and return it to you.