Horoscopes: Feb. 21-27, 2025

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: Love is about showing it. Words and feelings only go so far — actions, willingness to change, being helpful, and listening well all matter. As Mars ends its retrograde and turns direct, you gain clarity on your next steps, and certain obstacles dissipate. You’re on a path of deep self-evaluation as February winds down, realizing the importance of where you direct your attention and whom you give it to. Be intentional about what you engage your mind in.

Taurus: It’s time to be more assertive about your boundaries. People-pleasing can create a domino effect of complications. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on the 25th encourages you to focus your mental energy and tackle one thing at a time. If outside influences are only causing distress or confusion, pare down and embrace more quiet moments. Set your own tone.

Gemini: As February comes to a close, conditions around work, finances and responsibilities begin to improve. When your ruler, Mercury, conjuncts Saturn on the 25th, it’s crucial to be deliberate with your time and energy — providing yourself with structure will yield better results than constantly mixing things up. With Mars ending its retrograde, your confidence gets a much-needed boost, helping you regain self-assurance after a period of doubt.

Cancer: This is a great week to gather resources or rally support from peers for any project you’re trying to get off the ground. With Mars stationing direct, your motivation and energy become more steady. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on the 25th reminds you to take care of your mind — speak to yourself with kindness, and be intentional about the information and media you consume.

Leo: As Mars ends its retrograde, you let go of lingering resentments and hesitations. Relationships smooth out, and conflicts find resolution as your mood stabilizes. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on the 25th is a great time to sit down and sort out your priorities. Career shifts may be challenging but ultimately beneficial.

Virgo: Something you’ve overlooked suddenly becomes obvious. This week brings clarity, allowing energy and ideas to flow freely. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on the 25th calls for radical honesty. It’s time to get real about your feelings and opinions.

Libra: As Mars turns direct, work-related struggles begin to ease, and you feel more confident and decisive. You’re less caught up in small details and more focused on the big picture. In relationships, it’s especially important to stand up for a friend or partner facing difficulties. Even if you usually avoid rocking the boat, this is a moment to speak up.

Scorpio: It means a lot to you this week that your ideas are heard and supported. Lately, it may have felt difficult to get a word in, but as Mars turns direct, space opens up for you to share — whether naturally or because you make it yourself.

Sagittarius: The complexities of the past seem far less daunting as Mars ends its retrograde this week. You’re less focused on analyzing others’ motives and more influenced by results. This shift allows you to move forward with greater ease.

Capricorn: Conflicts in one-on-one relationships smooth over as Mars turns direct. As February comes to a close, emotional connections become easier to navigate. When your ruler, Saturn, conjuncts Mercury on the 25th, you get a welcome boost of social and outgoing energy.

Aquarius: You hesitate to recognize just how uniquely suited you are to make a difference. This week, reflect on that special something within you — your talents, skills and perspectives are more valuable than you think. When you embrace them with confidence, you inspire others to do the same.

Pisces: Creative or passion projects that were put on the back burner resurface as Mars ends its retrograde. Now is the time to prioritize what brings you joy rather than worrying about what’s most practical or sensible.

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