The ambitious new drama, “Regarding Us,” now available on demand, addresses a host of important LGBTQ+ issues, from the gay vs. God debate, to queer parenting and parenting queer children, as well as bullying, harassment and abuse of members of the queer community. But in their feature debut, co-writers and co-directors David Beck and Jennifer Bobbi shortchange their characters by trying to moralize and dramatize at the same time.
After seven years, Veronica (Alexandra Grey) is abruptly terminated from teaching at a Catholic school because she is trans. While determining her next steps, she has an awkward meet-cute with Denny (David Beck), an actor who makes ends meet delivering Shakespearean telegrams in costume. (Veronica’s teenage neighbor harasses her by ordering unwanted food and telegrams for Veronica and footing her with the bill.)
When they meet, Denny is accompanied by his daughter, Isabel (Andrea Rosa Guzman), a precocious fourth grader, who bonds with Veronica. Because Denny’s partner, Adrian (Eliud Garcia Kauffman), is currently out of the picture — he is likely off having an affair — Denny is forced into single-father mode, a role he seems unable to play well. Veronica kindly helps Denny care for Isabel from time to time, and she teaches the pre-teen life lessons as well as the difference between faith and religion.
“Regarding Us,” could have been content with this “found family” arrangement depicting how these two lost souls help each other and Isabel through their struggles, but it spreads itself thin, adding characters and issues that are both contrived and unwieldy.
At one point, Veronica is evicted which prompts Isabel to suggest she come live with her and Denny, but this idea is rejected, and Veronica moves in with her drag friends Michaela (Chandi Moore) and Ruthi (Jennifer Bobbi), who likes to bake. Cue a dance sequence with feather boas that is not as much fun as the filmmakers want it to be.
The most significant plotting involves the introduction of Kyle (Hudson Paul), a new student in Isabel’s class. Isabel accepts and befriends Kyle, whom she acknowledges as trans, but Kyle’s traditional, religious mother, Constance (Abigail Hawk) does not want her son playing with girls. An additional storyline features Isabel and Kyle each being bullied individually and together by their classmate Carmen (Fiona Morgan Quinn). These scenes needlessly stretch out the overstuffed plot even if it addresses the topic of illiteracy and teaches a lesson about kindness.
When Adrian returns home — hoping for Denny to take him back — he wants Isabel to stay away from both Kyle and Veronica, thinking that her new friends are having a negative effect on his daughter. (Never mind the impact of him walking out on his family.)
The film generates more drama as it shifts its focus to Constance’s family and her trying to “straighten out” Kyle, and rallying against her son being “corrupted” by Veronica, Isabel and others. Another unnecessary and strained subplot features Kyle’s troubled and possibly alcoholic 15-year-old brother Matt (Jacob Moran) teasing Kyle and giving him beer with an ulterior motive. As a situation between the brothers comes to a head, Veronica and Adrian intervene causing more complications.
There is even more to “Regarding Us” including characters contemplating suicide, a character discussing past sexual abuse in the church, and Veronica leaving voice messages for her estranged father from time to time. The filmmakers fail to understand that less can be more.
The characters don’t come off like real people and more often than not feel one-note. Even as Denny tells Adrian he knew the moment he saw the light in their relationship go out, viewers will want him to dump Adrian, not watch his partner try to worm his way back into the family.
Moreover, Denny and Isabel make points about integrity and “having an honest soul,” Veronica and Isabel insist that others “show up for life.” However, the film cudgels viewers with these messages by repeating them, though they are delivered with the utmost conviction.
At least Alexandra Grey delivers a noteworthy performance as Veronica, giving her some complexity and interiority as she experiences a series of downs and ups. She takes the high road in many of the situations she encounters, which make her admirable, and when she takes a moment to compose herself, moving away from Isabel after being triggered by something, it is poignant and revealing. Grey imbues Veronica with vulnerability and strength that keep viewers rapt.
The rest of the cast, however, may generate eyerolls. David Beck is too broad as Denny. His character may be a man-child, but he never seems to be in the same film as the other characters, much less rooted in the real world. In contrast, Eliud Garcia Kauffman, as Adrian, is too stiff. Neither charming when he tries to woo Denny, nor forceful during a moment of anger, Garcia Kauffman is miscast. Instead of elevating “Regarding Us,” his performance drags it down.
Andrea Rose Guzman shows some promise as Isabel, capturing her character’s moodiness well as she grapples with big emotions. Alas, Hudson Paul mostly mopes about as Kyle. Paul deserves a scene where Kyle speaks up rather than just reacts to others. As Constance, Abigail Hawk overplays her overbearing character in a strident performance. Even her Southern accent is too much.
It is a shame that “Regarding Us,” tries so hard to emphasize the value of treating people with dignity. Alas, this drama is more well-meaning than good.