Aries: On Jan. 13, the full moon in Cancer reminds you to lead with a gentle heart. You must get in touch with the nurturing side of your spirit. Sometimes when life gets tough, it’s time to get gentle.
Taurus: As the full moon in Cancer illuminates your emotional connections, your inner circle becomes more important than ever. It’s good to be known, seen and trusted in reciprocal ways. Consider your sense of duty to others. What are your golden rules for love and friendship?
Gemini: The full moon in Cancer on Jan. 13 reveals a need for balance between work and relationships. It also reminds us that we can only avoid our feelings for so long. It’s time to sit with your emotions, feel them and articulate them.
Cancer: With the full moon in your sign, expect big revelations and efforts coming to fruition. You’re closing out a cycle and can choose whether to repeat the pattern or start something fresh next week. Relationships enter make-or-break phases this season.
Leo: On Jan. 13, the full moon in Cancer urges you to become more responsible with your own emotions. Renew your dedication to yourself and exercise your independence. Don’t wait for others to begin a journey with you.
Virgo: The energy of the full moon in Cancer invites you to seek balance between material and emotional goals. Enjoy the quiet moments between phases in life, where pausing is more valuable than filling the space with busyness.
Libra: With the full moon in Cancer on Jan. 13, your desire for stability and commitment is stirred. You know you must be more decisive to achieve this. Your fear of being responsible for your own occasional disappointment may be holding you back.

Scorpio: On Jan. 13, you may find yourself in a tempestuous mood under the full moon in Cancer. You feel protective over others and yourself. Injustices from the past ignite a desire for change.
Sagittarius: The full moon in Cancer highlights a period of deep reflection on Jan. 13. Certain people, places or situations in your life have run their course. You’ll navigate a maze of memories in search of answers about what comes next.
Capricorn: On Jan. 13, the full moon in Cancer highlights your relationships. Refine your image of ideal partnerships. How do you want to show up, and what roles do you long to play?
Aquarius: As the full moon in Cancer on Jan. 13 urges you to take your routines more seriously, you’ll feel a renewed sense of responsibility. Stick to plans and be decisive.
Pisces: On Jan. 13, the full moon in Cancer highlights your creative energy. This is a time to focus on completing artistic projects and leaning into your emotions.