“Having some blue leadership can be comforting in a more political kind of way,” said Kellie Todd of New Jersey about living in a Democrat-led state, but that doesn’t always make her feel safe on a daily basis. “Protection legally doesn’t extend to people individually.”
“When we started seeing changes in the laws regarding trans children in other states about two years ago, I started getting really concerned,” said Todd, who is raising a trans child and is part of the LGBTQ+ community herself.
According to a survey conducted by the Center for American Progress in 2022, about half of respondents — including 86% of trans and nonbinary participants — said that debates about LGBTQ+ rights and changes to state laws have made them feel unsafe.
Concerns about safety are only growing more recently. Trump and many of his right-wing allies will take office in the new year — and before 2024 even wraps, possible shifts in LGBTQ+ rights have already made the news. In the midst of all this uncertainty about the future, many LGBTQ+ people are seeking to develop and practice skills that will help them feel more empowered.
Here’s what some are doing to stay safer:
Learning to fight
Todd has always encouraged her child to participate in martial arts as a way to learn self-defense, but she now hosts a free class specifically for the queer community.
In spring 2023, Todd started renting studio space at Ludus Academy of Martial Arts in Mount Holly — an establishment she trusts because it’s where she and her child attend classes — to host the monthly workshops.
“The idea was that I’d like to make self-defense accessible to as many people as I could,” she said.
Todd said newbies often ask about what to do in specific scenarios or want to learn specific skills — but it’s important to consider what techniques will be safest for beginners. One often-overlooked tactic she often reminds people about isn’t even about fighting, she explained. It’s just to make a lot of noise and draw attention to the threat.
Even after just one self-defense class, Todd said attendees will have gained at least one skill that should help should they find themselves in a vulnerable situation.
“A lot of people who come in don’t have any experience whatsoever in martial arts or self-defense,” she said. “So they’re pretty nervous when they come in, but by the time they leave, they feel a bit more confident.”
The class is taught through a trauma-informed lens and is meant to be as accessible as possible. Movement and participation is adapted based on each person’s needs and abilities with coaches who closely monitor to ensure no one gets hurt or uncomfortable. For instance, seated options are presented. And when attendees pair up for practice, shadow boxing in the mirror is also allowed.
Palm strikes — rather than punches — are taught, as punching can damage the hands. Defensive blocks and escapes are also covered.
Interest in the program has grown more recently — which Todd believes is a reaction to election results. The largest class she ever hosted was in November.
And it’s not the only place to turn for queer-friendly learning. The Pennsylvania Trans Equity Project — which has hosted self-defense workshops in Bucks, Chester, Lehigh, and Luzerne counties — is in the process of scheduling another in Lancaster in January.
The martial arts program hosted by Drexel University’s Dornsife Center is another free option. It’s headed by a leader in the LGBTQ+ community. More opportunities are in development through other programs in Philadelphia.
Learning about weapons
B — who preferred to use an initial to preserve anonymity — grew up around guns but became more interested in them during the pandemic because they wanted to better protect themself and their family.
“And I think that goes doubly for queer people in this country right now,” said B, who is genderfluid. “We see targeted attacks — a few every year — towards the queer community, and the rhetoric is only getting more and more, louder and louder.”
More LGBTQ+ people are learning to use firearms. The Pink Pistols, a national gun group for LGBTQ+ people, opened at least six new chapters since the election.
E, who also preferred to remain anonymous, joined the Philadelphia chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association (SRA) — where B is also a member — after a white supremacist and fascist group, Patriot Front, marched through Philadelphia.
“I’m not generally the target that these people have in mind, but I have a lot of friends in the communities… they do often target, so I wanted to look out for them,” he said.
Philly SRA doesn’t advocate for owning or using guns, B explained. It’s just a safe and inclusive place for leftists who want to learn about and talk about guns to gather in community. The organization has seen an explosion of new members — welcoming approximately 20 new people in the first two weeks following the election.
The organization hosts a gun fundamentals course for newbies — and it’s hosting extra classes to keep up with high demand. During the one-day firearms safety class, attendees learn about safe handling, storage and transport of firearms as well as laws, permitting and licensing, background checks, and more.
Handling won’t include actually firing the weapon. B and E suggest going to a range with a trusted friend who has experience to try that out. Some spaces are more queer-friendly than others, so it’s safest to rely on someone’s first-hand experiences with shops and ranges.
One part of the class discusses “concealed carry,” which can be tricky to understand. For instance, an unloaded gun in close proximity to ammunition or in the same area of a car can be treated as “concealed carry” in Pennsylvania — which requires a special permit.
Another tricky topic is medical marijuana use — which is legal in Pennsylvania but still illegal at the federal level. This can cause confusion for prospective owners answering questions about drug use on background checks. Under the state’s Uniform Firearms Act, medical users cannot own a gun. And this is relevant to living situations — as having a gun in the same home as marijuana (even if it belongs to a roommate) could result in legal problems, B noted.
These laws differ in New Jersey and Delaware.
Newbies learning about firearms should remember four rules, E explained: “Always treat every firearm as if it’s loaded. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Do not point a firearm at anything you do not wish to destroy. That means living things or anything valuable. And also know your target and what’s beyond it.”
“Unfortunately, firearms are very, very good at doing what they do,” E added, noting that these rules make it difficult to accidentally hurt someone — including yourself. “They’re weapons of death, and we have to acknowledge that and we have to respect them as such.”
During the class, the group even addresses one aspect of firearms use and ownership that might otherwise get overlooked — mental health.
“If you own a firearm, you’re much more capable of taking your own life,” E explained, noting that the class includes a lengthy discussion on taking responsibility for personal needs regarding mental health, establishing systems to restrict access if firearms aren’t feeling safe for a given time, and navigating these topics with friends.
Pennsylvania state and federal legislation prohibit some people with a history of mental health struggles from owning a gun, but outdated and vague language make it difficult to understand exactly who or what experiences are included in the laws. Others are also prohibited — including people who have been convicted of certain crimes.
Instead of relying solely on firearms for protection, B recommends carrying pepper spray for self-defense. Other weapons commonly sold for self-defense — including blunt-force striking objects, pointed tools meant for stabbing, brass knuckles, and some knives — are illegal in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Stun guns are legal for self-defense.
Neither B nor E recommend weapons that require someone to get in close proximity to an attacker to utilize.
Learning to handle emergencies
The gun fundamentals class isn’t SRA’s sole offering. The organization is currently working on a know-your-rights training and already hosts classes on de-escalation tactics — which includes a section on interacting with police.
“When you’re in a situation, you don’t want to immediately pull out a firearm,” said E. “The first line of defense — second and third and fourth line of defense in any altercation is de-escalation and removing yourself from the situation as much as you can.”
Another class — called a “stop-the-bleed” course — teaches attendees to assess a wound, determine interventions, and obtain consent. Philly SRA’s workshops are taught from an activist and street medic perspective, focusing on what can be done to preserve life during emergencies at protests — so attendees learn how to conduct a scene assessment to determine whether or not a threat is still active. But the knowledge can be helpful for other kinds of attacks — especially gunshots or stab wounds.
During an emergency, someone should always be designated to call an ambulance to ensure it isn’t accidentally overlooked.
E recommends carrying a full individual first aid kit at all times. This should have a tourniquet, gauze, and elastic trauma dressing — but E suggests adding scissors and chest seals, which can help someone breathe if wounded in the chest, neck or abdomen. But understanding how to use these tools is crucial for success. Taking a class to learn the basics could make a difference.