Horoscope: Oct. 25-31, 2024

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: This is not the week to try to press certain issues. Let things simmer a while until more information becomes available, as it may change your approach. Unnecessary friction with friends and family doesn’t buff out as easily or as quickly as you’d usually like it to. Directing too much energy toward one topic will not bring the desired outcome. In the romance department, you are attracted to unlikely attributes. Your tastes and preferences are expanding and you can get into anything lately.

Taurus: It’s all about collaborations, one-on-one conversations and diplomacy. This is an ideal time to smooth over long-standing issues and to deepen your understanding of others. An old friend from the past who you drifted apart from may be rejoining your orbit. Romance can be a little intense or secretive this week. Try to avoid power plays and ego competitions.

Gemini: It might be time to admit that you have bitten off more than you can chew in terms of your to-do list. Narrow things down and keep it simple. Relationships are highlighted this week and they can be a great source of inspiration and positive energy. This is a good time to try a little vulnerability especially if you’re not the type who easily displays affection. Challenge yourself to share your sentiments. Stop worrying if it’s corny; it’s not.

Cancer: Your personality is looming larger than usual which makes this a good week to self promote, share your opinions and use your voice to stand up for people. You have a bit of troublemaker energy and you are more comfortable with not being liked by everybody. It can be therapeutic to let go of certain notions about how one “should” behave.

Leo: You’re gonna have to get real with yourself and get vulnerable with others. Sometimes the only way out is through. You are in a period of maturation that isn’t always a walk in the park but you can emerge as a more refined and authentic version of yourself. Sometimes the things you judge others for are the things you fear within yourself.

Virgo: Your intuition is sharpened by the sun in Scorpio and you feel attuned to the people around you. Emotional insight and intimacy is found when you ask bold and interesting questions. Let people talk and much is revealed. Your spiritual side flourishes in quiet moments of reflection. There is a new depth to your thoughts.

Libra: You know that you need to make things happen for yourself. You’ve tried waiting for someone else to do it and it hasn’t been ideal. This week highlights your self esteem and your sense of independence has the potential to be personally empowering. Get into a new project; do the thing you’ve been talking about.

Scorpio: It’s the start of a new era for you, Scorpio. You have been feeling that a much-needed change is on the horizon. It could be a new job, a shift in a relationship dynamic or simply a new perspective. Regardless of the form it arrives in, it brings about a fresh start and sense of relief. You are no doubt a force to be reckoned with but sometimes things just take time.

Sagittarius: This is the best time of year for you to rest and reflect. The regenerative powers of Scorpio are like a cocoon of transformation and healing around you. Take advantage of the intense, yet quiet energy in the air. Unplug from the internet from time to time. Focus on intimate relationships and soothe your senses. It can be hard to slow down, we all love our distractions. Find ways that work for you.

Capricorn: You are not sure what has you feeling this way but you can sense that something great is on the horizon. This is a period in which you are creative, expressive and confident. Take advantage of this flow of energy and let the muses take you. Overcome your reservations when it comes to sharing your emotions. This is an excellent season for making new connections, building community and learning from others. Stay curious.

Aquarius: You are in that classic Aquarius mood to change the world. Scorpio’s transformative energy recognizes the spark in your soul. This is a season where you innovate, learn, volunteer and organize. Relationships are less about love for love’s sake and more about what you can accomplish together. Does your love liberate you?

Pisces: Scorpio season reminds you that there is more to life than meets the eye. This is a period in which you seek to expand your mind. Deep conversations, esoteric information research and moments of reflection can make you feel closer to yourself. It’s important for your well-being to be around open-minded individuals. Pretending to be normal makes you feel profoundly unwell.

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