Horoscopes: Oct. 18-24, 2024

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: Scorpio season brings about a time of powerful changes and ideological shifts. You know where you need to change and where your energy needs to be shifted. There is a new self awareness that allows you to navigate some controversial matters with grace and an open mind. There is a sense of cleaning out one’s emotional closet of psychic clutter. It is easy to let go of things that have been hurting you. You may finally know why you’ve been holding on.

Taurus: Scorpio season, which begins on Oct. 22 is all about love, romance, relationships and creativity. You do best when you share thoughts and feelings with others before making moves. Frank convos with friends will be important. Prioritize folks who you know will tell it like it is as we can tend to get carried away. This can be a time of potentially deepening commitments, new crushes or breakups that are for the best.

Gemini: Work life balance might become an unavoidable topic as we begin Scorpio season on Oct. 22. Your ego is often tied up in whatever you are doing, and someone or something could be taking advantage of that. It’s a good time to parse through your day to day and find what really matters and use all that moxy you have to pursue it instead of simply logging hours.

Cancer: The beginning of Scorpio season on Oct. 22 brings a breath of fresh creative energy. You are feeling bold, brave and unapologetic. This is a time of year in which you spiritually blossom and also refine your crafts. You find joy in performing but also in consuming the art of others. It is especially nourishing to spend time with friends and family. Prioritize enjoyment and expression. Lavish on yourself a little. The company of fellow water signs Pisces or Scorpio can make you feel right at home.

Leo: You are thinking about past versions of yourself and feeling nostalgic as the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 22. This is a period of understanding where you are coming from and where you want to go next. Deep self reflection brings about profound realizations. There are feelings that you are finally able to articulate to yourself after a long period of being too afraid to delve into them. Ancestral and cultural roots might bring special wisdom.

Virgo: Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, which brings out a more social and chatty side of you. You are more at peace with not being liked by everyone all the time and more interested in true connections based on mutual understanding and the occasional ribald inside joke. Learning, studying, practicing new skills and taking short trips can play an important role in your sense of wellbeing.

Libra: You are feeling serious about having a solid foundation in life as the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 22. Perhaps you have been too frivolous or impractical lately. Well, you feel ready to put an end to all of that today. This is a period to recognize the importance of being more committed to the decisions you make. You are less likely to fall in love for love’s sake or just take up a new occupation because it seems cool.

Scorpio: There is a sense of relief and returning to yourself as your solar season begins on Oct. 22 with your sign squaring its ruler Pluto. There is a private mental and emotional catharsis that allows you to reconnect with yourself. You unearth and regenerate your powers and charms after a period of concealment or dormancy for one reason or another. This is an inspiring period in which you attract the things you require and desire. You have a unique ability to transform limitations into creativity. Others may not be able to handle all this intense Pluto energy, but this isn’t your first rodeo.

Sagittarius: You are in the headspace of getting down to business and keeping things to yourself as the sun in Scorpio transits your privacy sector. This is a good time to take advantage of the regenerative energy of Pluto and recharge our mental and social batteries. The more carefully you take care of yourself, the more energy you’ll have when you need it later. Your intimate relationships are your safe haven and you seek out the company of one or two close friends or lovers and maybe not much else.

Capricorn: Scorpio season begins this week on Oct. 22 and this emboldens you to get adventurous and experimental. You are confident that you can handle any curveballs a novel situation might throw your way. It can feel especially good to volunteer your time, join groups or organize events. While your energy for work and spacing is quite outgoing, you are feeling rather reserved in the romance department. Your deeper emotions may elude you without further exploration.

Aquarius: You just wanna win and achieve during Scorpio season. It’s important to feel pride and a sense of accomplishment beginning from Oct. 22 onward. This is a month-long period in which you are focused and hardworking and it tends to pay off. Beware of becoming overly fixated on making good impressions, there is only so much you can do when it comes to the opinions of others.

Pisces: Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, where it blesses you with a sense of adventure. You aren’t feeling shy these days and it can be hard for anything or anybody to ruffle your feathers. Thanks to this extra layer of patience and coolheadedness, you are more outgoing and willing to meet new people and try new things. You might find yourself emboldened to speak up about something that has been on your mind for quite some time. Teaming up with a Scorpio in your life makes you feel seen and understood. It’s important to have friends who dont judge and whom you can trust with a secret or two.

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