Horsocopes Oct. 11-17, 2024

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: Pluto direct inspires a change in your long-term goals and focuses your mind on more realistic and responsible steps to take. In the love department, there’s an opportunity for drastic endings or beginnings. You have a desire to do things differently, but it may be challenging to articulate how. It will take time to fully figure it out. Information concerning relationships may arise in unexpected ways. The full moon in your sign on the 17th boosts your energy and creativity, making October a special month.

Taurus: Power dynamics and partnerships continue to be a major theme this week. You need to get into a new headspace and re-conceptualize how you relate to others. You’ll learn to choose your words more carefully and be discerning about people and their actions. The proof will be obvious once you look for it. Be realistic and draw conclusions based on your values. This is a period of trying new things and prioritizing your well-being. The full moon in Aries on the 17th reminds you to be more private about certain aspects of life if you wish to move forward without obstacles. Not everyone will understand or have your best interest in mind.

Gemini: With your ruling planet, Mercury, in transformative Scorpio, your spirit is fiery and ready to make changes. If you don’t like how things are right now, this placement gives you the motivation to take matters into your own hands. It might be hard work, and some folks might not get it, but that’s nothing new. Insight comes when you take new conversational paths or speak to people outside your usual circle. Romance is highlighted from the 17th onward, and conditions are favorable for connection, commitment and intrigue.

Cancer: This is not the time to push yourself too hard. You need to treat yourself gently, as you’ll either feel energized or drained in the coming weeks, depending on what you do now to restore yourself. The full moon in Aries on the 17th brings something from the past to light. Things that should have been said a long time ago are still waiting to be spoken. In the relationship department, you feel a shift from craving romance to craving independence. Can you have both?

Leo: You are likely revisiting themes and journeys that began in 2008, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn. As we wrap up this Pluto retrograde, it will close that chapter once and for all while you begin anew. Your fashion sense, lifestyle and self-expression are getting a revamp as you refine your vision and come out of your shell more. Meanwhile, in the romance department, you are shifting gears from wanting to get deep to just wanting to have fun. Brooding moods have been getting in the way of your actual goals for your love life.

Virgo: As Venus moves into Sagittarius, you find yourself doing everything in your power to stabilize your relationships and create harmony and peace. A solid circle of loyal friends means everything. This is not the time to seek romantic thrills or enjoy passionate arguments. Meanwhile, Mercury in Scorpio sharpens your understanding of a certain situation. You easily grasp subtlety and can read between the lines during this period. The full moon in Aries on the 17th makes something you desire glaringly apparent.

Libra: The full moon in Aries on the 17th makes issues and celebrations inevitable when it comes to partnerships. There will be things that need to be met head-on, and there will also be an arrival of good news. Your ruling planet moves into Sagittarius, where it graces your communication sector. During this time, you’ll enjoy a boost in charm, communication skills and sociability.

Scorpio: Your ruler, Pluto, ends its retrograde period on the 12th. Themes, struggles and journeys that have followed you on and off since 2008 finally bear fruit or reach their conclusions. This is the beginning of a new chapter. The full moon in Aries on the 17th shakes up creative stagnation and brings your energy way up. Feeling delightfully chaotic, you might feel like stirring up mischief. Venus in your second house inspires you to work hard toward financial stability.

Sagittarius: Venus in your sign for the next few weeks brings out your main character energy. You’re ready to treat yourself, express your creativity and indulge in a little time and money for fun. Romance and relationships experience good luck during this time, and your aura can be quite magnetic. The full moon in Aries on the 17th boosts your creativity, and something you’ve been working on might be ready to make its debut.

Capricorn: As Pluto ends its retrograde in your sign, both collective and personal reckonings abound. Long-standing issues finally reach satisfactory conclusions, and there’s a sense that you can start fresh on a new path. The full moon on the 17th furthers this theme and helps you let go of something from the past that has been holding you back. Venus in your privacy sector has you keeping your sentiments close to your heart and definitely not on your sleeve. Perhaps someone is admiring you from afar.

Aquarius: Your social circle is expanding lately, and it feels refreshing to get a group together. Collaborations and teamwork seem more fruitful than one-on-one endeavors. You’ve been thinking a lot about speaking out on issues that matter to you. You feel at peace with the fact that this might be difficult sometimes and that not everyone will agree with you. The full moon in Aries on the 17th reminds you that some instances require boldness, and you must answer that call.

Pisces: When Pluto, the planet of transformation, ends its retrograde period this week, themes and struggles that have been with you for a long time finally reach their conclusions. There’s a sense of closure and a fulfillment of prophecy. You finally feel ready to move on in certain areas. You have renewed confidence, and this would be an ideal time to make new friends or join a group. It can be challenging yet rewarding to get out of your own head in this way. In the communication department, your sharp wit has the potential to challenge and question authority.

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