Queers for Palestine and Log Cabin Republicans: Birds of a feather

flags of Palestine and Israel painted on cracked wall
(Photo: Adobe Stock)

Wow, what a headline! You’re probably wondering how two organizations on opposite ends of the political spectrum can be connected. The answer is simple, though not pretty: both support those who wish harm upon members of our community. They also share another troubling trait—they put their political allegiances above their community.

Let’s break it down and examine each group and their similarities.

First, let’s look at the Log Cabin Republicans and their support for Donald Trump. They claim to be Republicans upholding conservative values. However, these conservative battles have long centered on “family values,” a term that historically meant supporting one-man-one-woman marriages and opposing equality laws. Just recently, JD Vance used that same phrase during the vice presidential debate. Many Log Cabin Republicans don’t support trans rights. Even though you may not want to be connected to trans rights, the reality is that the Trump campaign is linking you to them—and exploiting that association. Then there’s marriage equality. Many Republicans aim to revoke it, and if they win, they may succeed. Do you not value your own marriage enough to defend it? There are conservative Republicans who support LGBTQ+ rights—you could align with them. But supporting Trump, whose policies will devastate our community? That only points to one thing: Your desire to assimilate has become so extreme that you’re willing to put your marriage in danger—reflecting a deep sense of self-hatred.

Queers for Palestine, though much smaller than Log Cabin Republicans, has received significant press coverage for a similar reason: they, too, put politics above their community. The governments in Palestine have made it clear that they would jail or even kill LGBTQ+ people, and this isn’t just an empty threat—they’ve already done so in both Gaza and the West Bank. Supporting regimes that actively harm LGBTQ+ people is no different from what Log Cabin Republicans do. Does your self-hatred run so deep that you would support a government that would harm your own community?

Both of these groups represent a minority within the LGBTQ+ community. Most of us have found ways to support our political views without endorsing those who seek to harm us. Our community includes a broad spectrum of political beliefs, but the line is drawn when you support organizations that publicly advocate for our destruction.

We’ve talked about racism in our community. It’s time to talk about anti-semitism, to the point you support harm to your very community. Like Log Cabin Republicans, Queers for Palestine seem to support a regime that has done LGBTQ+ people harm, Hamas. They refuse to condemn Hamas while at the same time equivocally shouting that all Jews seek to harm Palestinians, so they not only support harm to the LGBTQ+ community, but they extend that harm to the Jewish community as well. Most of the Jewish community does not support the Israeli government and many Palestians are also against their own governments, but Queers for Palestine would have you believe that all Jews are the same and they all should be discriminated against. Gee, remember when all LGBTQ+ people used to be lumped together as “corrupting society”? Seems like they’ve taken a page from that homophobic playbook, and they don’t even realize.

And as for their claims that they’re not full of self-hate, this is the same group that tried to stop Pride this year. Both would harm their own marriage and yours.

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