Horoscopes: Oct. 4-10, 2024

Illustration by Ash Cheshire.

Aries: Jupiter turns retrograde until Nov. 1 and it may feel like an ill omen of sorts when the planet of fortune decides to turn backwards but fear not! This just means luck will be headed to you from a different direction than the one you are looking in. Try a different approach to making connections and embrace the messiness of people who don’t think in black and white. You need their nuanced influence. Accept an invitation to the world. Sticking with what you know hasn’t always worked out the way you predicted it would anyway.

Taurus: With Jupiter turning retrograde this week until Nov. 1, your luck has run out but in other ways, your resources have increased. You now have enough skills and knowledge to achieve your goals in a hands-on fashion versus just going with the flow. This can be a time in which you realize there is more to what you seek in life and you have more means to achieve it in your toolkit than before.

Gemini: When Jupiter turns retrograde in your sign until Nov. 1, it is time to expand your mind and your concept of yourself. You are faced with the challenge of realizing and accepting where you need to make adjustments and where you have already changed yet have not acknowledged. This is a full-system update for your self image and your perspective. Get comfortable with being a little uncomfortable when new ideas are presented or old ones face a critical eye.

Cancer: Jupiter will be retrograde until Nov. 1, which causes you to retreat into your inner world. You explore the depths of some of your more unapproachable thoughts and feelings. It may feel as though you are being tested as to how much introspection you can handle but your endurance will pay off by mid November when you reach a solid new philosophy on things. Curiosity can be a very healing tool.

Leo: It may feel ominous to hear that the planet of luck is doing some backtracking but this is merely an opportunity to review how you have gotten to this point and to start considering what you want to do next. Explore your options, consider the outliers more sincerely. Unexpected factors can be quite beneficial to you and there are big wins hiding and waiting for you in plain sight. This is a chance to adjust your thinking and to find joy where you previously only found anxiety. Change is hard, but so is staying the same after a while.

Virgo: As Jupiter goes retrograde until Nov. 1, you might start feeling like your recent opportunities were just a fluke, but that’s just your self-deprecating side talking. In truth, they’re thanks to your hard work, kindness, and unique energy. This retrograde gives you a chance to reassess your career and find a better work-life balance. It’s also a good time to recognize the difference between being genuinely friendly and being a people pleaser, as Jupiter retrograde tends to expose the downsides of that. Do you really like these people, or are you just afraid to say no?

Libra: Jupiter, the planet of fortune, will be retrograde until Nov. 1. This is a time in which you must make your own luck and be decisive about your goals and dreams. Creativity and a sense of adventure take you farther than personal charm for the time being. Something from the past must be released to make room for what is next.

Scorpio: You have an opportunity to challenge yourself with Jupiter going retrograde until Nov. 1. You like to have a detailed plan and a safety net, but you can have a hard time making moves if everything is not perfect. You can find yourself doing more waiting than actual “doing” and it is hampering your trajectory. What is it like to make those moves in less than ideal conditions? You know you are intrepid enough to do it. Bite off more than you can chew from time to time. When the moon is in your sign on Oct. 4 it’s time to live artfully and express your wild side. This moon reminds you that you have a tendency to become complacent in unsuitable scenarios sometimes.

Sagittarius: As Jupiter begins its retrograde this week until Nov. 1, the shift may feel jarring, but it suits your rule-breaking-nature. After the initial shock, you seem to come to your senses especially about a matter concerning your relationships. You realize it’s time to put more energy into being a better friend or partner and that you have to challenge yourself and try new things. It can be sort of like an “opposite-day” scenario. If you are used to doing things one way, try it in the opposite fashion i.e., if you never plan dates, try taking the lead and come up with something. The moon in your sign on the 6th brings up sentimental feelings. You are called to be more vulnerable and open.

Capricorn: Jupiter going retrograde until Nov. 1 sounds like a potentially bad trip but can actually be quite refreshing. You feel delightfully untethered from expectations lately and you seem to feel that your obligations are not looming as large as usual. You feel that you can do more with the time and resources that you already have at hand and that you do not need to voraciously seek out ways to optimize. This is a time to quiet your inner perfectionist and just let things occur organically. There’s only so much you can do. Sometimes that’s a good thing. The moon in your sign on the 9th brings up your hidden sensitivity around the opinions of others.

Aquarius: When Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini in your fifth house until Nov. 1, you may feel like there is a writer’s block on the horizon but it can actually be a time to take a different approach to your creative process. Turn things upside down and shake them up for a fresh perspective. This is also a time in which to reimagine the structure of your relationships and realize you may be subconsciously struggling for power in your partnerships when you should focus on collaborating. You don’t have to be in charge of creating the vibe or setting the tone, it already exists, just tune in.

Pisces: You may be questioning a recent investment as Jupiter in Gemini goes retrograde through Nov. 1. Perhaps it’s time to think about what influences your decision-making process and whether it is a reliable source of information or motivation. This period of review may seem stressful but it is a good chance for assessing how you feel about things and doesn’t necessarily imply regret or error on your part. It’s more about being realistic and honest with yourself. It’s OK if you feel that things require some adjustment. This retrograde period is a good space in which to think and consider, but not necessarily act on anything yet. A trusted friend might have some helpful insight.

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