Horoscopes: Sept. 13-19, 2024

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: How far can compassion take you? The full moon and accompanying lunar eclipse on the 17th is a reminder that understanding and compassion are more important than being right, winning or having all the answers. Things look very different when you accept them as they are and they are more likely to grow, expand and change as they are meant to.

This week’s astrological friends: Taurus, Gemini

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 2/5, Friendship 4/5

Taurus: The full moon and Lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th is a time of increased self awareness. You may be inspired to reckon with something you have been previously unwilling to admit. Validating the feelings of someone close to you can be challenging yet important, especially if you must be accountable for hurting their feelings. This is a week for emotional and spiritual growth.

This week’s astrological friends: Pisces, Scorpio

This week’s overall vibe: Love 2/5, Career 2/5, Friendship 4/5

Gemini: Are you someone that gets caught up in the details and minutiae and misses the big picture? The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces reminds you to let the messages arrive in their own time. The universe has been dropping hints that you need to slow down and enjoy life more.

This week’s astrological friends: Sagittarius, Libra

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 3/5

Cancer: The full moon and Lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th brings up a lot of emotional sludge. This is a time in which you dig into the messier aspects of what needs processing. Perhaps a bit of shadow work is in order. Desires for changes, adventure and growth find fertile ground when you open your mind.

This week’s astrological friends: Leo, Aquarius

This week’s overall vibe: Love 2/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 4/5

Leo: You have to let go of a specific vision or notion that has been holding you back from other more unique possibilities. The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th reminds you to dream, believe and let things flow. Accept the strangeness and fluidity of life, and of yourself.

This week’s astrological friends: Pisces, Capricorn

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 5/5

Virgo: Romance and relationships experience the potent charms of the full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th. Problems, solutions, grievances and celebrations have a way of making themselves inevitable within your love life during this cosmic event. You must face the good and the bad. Embrace discomfort and be empathetic if disagreements arise.

This week’s astrological friends: Pisces, Virgo

This week’s overall vibe: Love 5/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 5/5

Libra: You know what you want to improve upon as the lunar eclipse/full moon in Pisces on the 17th showcases your desire for change and a sense of independence. If you are unsatisfied in certain aspects of life, it is time to take charge. A mix of self discipline and self forgiveness creates balance.

This week’s astrological friends: Aries, Sagittarius

This week’s overall vibe: Love 2/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 4/5

Scorpio: Your true feelings make themselves known and you are able to articulate what has been on the verge of being expressed for quite some time. The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th has you feeling connected to your innermost desires. You may want to rush to get started on your newly revealed goals, but a few small steps can make a world of difference. Allow it to unfold as you move with intention.

This week’s astrological friends: Pisces, Virgo

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Sagittarius: The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th expands your mind and has you realizing an untapped potential concerning work and home. You are inspired to optimize and get more out of what you already have. You may also be drifting away from a person, place or belief system that has been holding you back.

This week’s astrological friends: Taurus, Leo

This week’s overall vibe:  Love 2/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 4/5

Capricorn: You have an “ah-ha” moment concerning your emotional state and communication. The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces points out the need to slow down and think before you speak. You reach an understanding with yourself as to how to best process and express your emotions so as to be heard and to advocate for yourself while also showing care and consideration for others.

This week’s astrological friends: Cancer, Aquarius

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 5/5

Aquarius: The full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces is about letting go of something from the past for you. You are getting more in touch with the flow of seasons and of time and you feel liberated as you dance along to the natural rhythm of things. There is great potential for forgiveness, acceptance, closure and relief. You face your old regrets head on with new clarity.

This week’s astrological friends: Gemini, Scorpio

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 3/5

Pisces: The full moon and lunar eclipse in your sign gets you in touch with hidden feelings, desires and memories. You feel ready to let go of certain people, places or ideas that have had their moment. It’s less about cutting things off and more about releasing your grip and allowing things to go their own way. Perhaps you have a tendency to let things linger even when they cannot be repaired. It’s OK, you’re not a quitter.

This week’s astrological friends: Cancer, Scorpio

This week’s overall vibe: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

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