Community Briefs: New elder program, PFP camping trip, LGBTQ+ square dancing

Illustration by Ash Cheshire.

Complete the Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ Health Needs Assessment
LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians ages 13 and older are urged to fill out the Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ Health Needs Assessment — a biannual survey that aims to address gaps in research and data about LGBTQ+ people.

Responses are anonymous. Participants can access the survey and respond in either English or Spanish and should expect to spend 15 to 30 minutes completing the task. Some questions pertain to sensitive topics — such as mental health, sexual health, violence and discrimination, but respondents can choose to skip questions.

Information collected will be used to help identify health disparities and barriers to care as well as develop possible strategies for addressing these issues. Previously, the study has helped LGBTQ+ community leaders, public health professionals, health-care providers and lawmakers to better support LGBTQ+ people across Pennsylvania.

To participate, visit

Continuing education for business leaders
Accelerate Business, a “business-scaling” program, is accepting applications for its fall cohort. Members of the Independence Business Alliance — Philadelphia’s LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce — can apply and participate at no cost.

This entrepreneurship program intends to help small business owners develop skills for building and growing their businesses while providing mentorship and peer connections. Participants will develop a three-year plan for their businesses to include actionable steps that will help them achieve their goals.

Learning will take place both virtually and in-person with 13 group sessions in addition to one-on-one opportunities. Classes will be held at Esperanza College in North Philadelphia from October 2024 through March 2025.

To apply, visit

New program for elders at William Way
The Elder Initiative at William Way LGBT Community Center now has the support of Kyle Macklin, the program’s new social engagement coordinator — who got to work this summer launching a new program for LGBTQ+ people ages 50 and older.

A virtual wellness “check-in” will take place each Friday at 12 p.m. Conversations will be facilitated and confidential. These friendly chats aim to offer support to LGBTQ+ elders across the area.

Although William Way already hosts a weekly gathering for gay, bisexual and trans men, this new initiative welcomes people of all LGBTQ+ experiences.

To participate, please email

Independence Squares hosts an open house
Independence Squares, Philadelphia’s LGBTQ+ square dancing club, is hosting two upcoming open house sessions on Aug. 27 and Sept. 10 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Beginners with no previous experience are encouraged to come by. Dancers are asked to pay $5 to join the evening’s fun — which will include learning some square dance basics. Gender roles are not enforced, and there’s no dress code.

Square-dancing might conjure images of barnyard boogies with country tunes and western vibes — but the group boasts that participants will learn dances to a variety of genres. This includes rock, show tunes and R&B.

Although the group’s location sometimes changes throughout the year, these open house sessions will take place at the Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion (2111 Sansom St.). Those who enjoy the lesson are invited to come back in September for weekly classes — which offer options for beginners and those with advanced skills.

To learn more, visit

Philadelphia Family Pride hosts annual camping trip
LGBTQ+ families are invited to participate in a three-night stay at Parvin State Park in New Jersey over Labor Day weekend.

The event is hosted by Philadelphia Family Pride, an organization that aims to connect LGBTQ+ parents and prospective parents and support their families. PFP members include families with kids of all ages who have a variety of lived experiences — including foster parents, expectant parents, and those with teens and young adults.

Beginners and newbies are welcome, including those not yet connected to PFP.

Campers will enjoy a potluck meal, pre-planned excursions (such as fishing, hiking, biking, and games with kids), as well as spontaneous fun. This is a tent-camping experience with gender-neutral bathrooms and showers located near the site.

Check in is on Aug. 30, and families will pack up to go back home on Sept. 2 — but participants are also welcome to come hang out for the day or spend just one night. Members will pay $10/family to participate. Non-members will pay $25. Parking passes cost an additional $5 due upon arrival.

To learn more or register, visit

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