Horoscopes: July 12-18, 2024

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: You are particularly charming and gracious as Venus visits Leo. This is a season in which you bring enthusiasm and little drama to your relationships. Romance has the potential to be passionate and messy over the next few weeks. It’s a good time to show your affections and to be expressive and also to be OK with whatever comes up. Jupiter sextiling the north node reminds you to move in alignment with your values and to not let spiritual growth fall by the wayside.

Taurus: As Venus begins its visit to Leo, you are thinking about how the past informs your present actions in relationships and romantic matters. This can be a period in which you confront your biases and your internalized guilt or shame. You seek to be more honest and to express your desires and dislikes without worrying about being judged. Boundaries are a big theme. When Jupiter sextiles the north node, you realize you will not reach your goals if you are always flipping between two extremes.

Gemini: As Venus begins its visit to Leo, you realize it’s time to be more open with friends and partners. Communication and emotions can be harmonious during the next few weeks. Self expression invites collaboration and joy. This is a time for better conflict resolution. When Jupiter sextiles the north node, you have a desire to be a part of something and find a sense of belonging.

Cancer: This week, as Venus begins its visit to Leo, you hit a good flow in terms of practical planning, work and making yourself comfortable. You are feeling stable enough to add new friendships or romance to your life but you are more likely to devote that energy to existing ones. A sense of familiarity and cooperation with others is most rewarding. When Jupiter transits the north node, you learn to balance your expectations while still remaining optimistic.

Leo: Exciting news! Venus moves into your sign this week blessing you with extra confidence, charm and creativity. You are receptive to the feeling of softness in others and romance is at the top of your list. You find yourself thinking a lot about what it means to be loyal, especially when it comes to stopping friends and lovers. It’s nice to care about your style but beware of being superficial and caring too much about how others perceive you. Jupiter sextiles the north node and you contemplate on how the subconscious wounds of the past are holding you back from being who you want to be sometimes.

Virgo: Venus in Leo in your privacy sector adds a quiet and contemplative energy to your summer. Relationships are not passionately meteoric at this time but they are places of sharing, vulnerability and growth. You may feel daydreamy and nostalgic. There may be a certain level of secrecy about yourself that you enjoy tending to like a house plant. Jupiter sextiles the north node and has you thinking about how to expand your ideas for the future.

Libra: When your ruling planet Venus moves into Leo, you shift your emotional energy and intentions toward building better friendships. Romantic pursuits may take a backseat at this time. You are thinking more about how to be a good friend and someone that others can count on. You are less likely to take things personally so it can be a good time for debates and negotiations. Jupiter sextiles the north node and inspires you to be more generous.

Scorpio: When Venus is in Leo, you are more willing to make things work if they look good on paper, especially when it comes to career and relationships. Fantasies and idealism can leave you disappointed so you might prefer more calculated investments at this time. Not to say you are feeling coldly detached, you just let your heart and your brain sync up. There may be more artistic ambitions these days and you are likely to collaborate with romantic partners on your larger goals. Jupiter sextiles the north node and reminds you to temper your indulgence with moderation.

Sagittarius: Venus in Leo reminds you to think outside the box in terms of what is possible for your relationships, even the one with yourself. If you find yourself repeating the same patterns and getting frustrated, it may be time to take a different approach and to be more open minded and honest about your desires. If you always have a certain “type” that you are attracted to, this might be a time in which you switch it up and start to find different attributes appealing. When your ruler Jupiter sextiles the north node, you are blessed with exciting new ideas.

Capricorn: Venus in Leo in your eighth house is an intriguing time for you as you find yourself exploring your desires, your goals and the feelings that you usually put on the backburner. During this time, you seem to gain the most from collaborating with others. You are emboldened to deepen your connections with people. You are not scared off by taboo topics and intimate exchanges. Jupiter sextiles the north node and adds an extra sense of adventure and optimism.

Aquarius: You are in the mood to play nice and make friends as Venus in Leo highlights your partnership sector. This is a summer in which you smooth over misunderstandings, get back in touch with people you’ve grown distant from and solidify your romantic relationships. Opposites attract during this time and it can be eye opening to spend time with folks who have a very different energy than yours. As Jupiter sextiles the north node, you reflect on your tendency to overdo things.

Pisces: Venus in Leo inspires you to branch out and be more social. You are more confident that you can create a good vibe and a harmonious environment, especially at work or in group settings. In true summer fashion, you’d rather be having fun than doing work (or at least have fun while you work). In romantic relationships, you take a more practical approach and you appreciate someone that you can build with. As Jupiter sextiles the north node, you feel that more things are possible.

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