Horoscopes: July 5-11, 2024

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: As Pluto’s transformative retrograde energy trines favorably with Lillith, you are feeling better equipped to navigate intense emotions. It’s a little messy but it’s something that feels freeing. The new moon in Cancer is an open space for an exploration of emotions and intentions. This new moon specifically highlights your home and family sector so this could set you on a new path with close friends and family. This is the beginning of a period of greater honesty and more purposeful interactions.

Taurus: Your approach to relationships is due for a makeover. As Pluto retrograde trines Lillith, you realize that societal expectations or peer pressure has been causing you to hold back or invest your energy in the wrong places. This is not a time for striving to fit in by pretending. You feel OK with shaking things up. Being a people pleaser causes unexpected issues. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th is a chance to start over when it comes to communication. Allow yourself to make mistakes, ask for grace, try different approaches.

Gemini: You realize what your suppressed emotions have been trying to say as Pluto retrograde trines Lillith in a revelatory transit. This little shakeup allows you to access deeper feelings. There is power, healing and transformation when you face your own truth. Getting in touch with your subconscious creates balance, even if it’s not always a pleasant affair. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th brings new intentions around finances and spending.

Cancer: When Pluto retrograde trines Lillith this week, you are sent on a journey of self discovery. This cosmic combo has a way of showing you truths that have been avoided or disregarded for far too long. You find yourself ready to accept the facts that are stranger than fiction. A powerful independent streak takes over. The new moon in your sign on the 5th is a clean slate for you in terms of your goals and intentions. You are beginning new cycles and new projects soon.

Leo: You learn to fine tune your discernment this week. Pluto retrograde trines Lillith in a transit that inspires you to explore your deeper desires and to understand and accept your more intense emotions. You accept that things are not always like the movies. This kicks off a cycle of learning to be more independent. You are not controlled by the opinions of others and seek to find assurance from within. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th uncovers hidden potential.

Virgo: Pluto retrograde trines Lillith this week, which has you reflecting on areas where you have chosen willful ignorance for the sake of comfort. You might realize this is not sustainable and that it’s time for more thorough consideration, acceptance and action. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th renews your social energy. This lunar cycle is a time for making new friends or taking different approaches to socializing.

Libra: When Pluto trines Lillith during retrograde this week, you are emboldened by the chaotic vibes to navigate through difficult feelings and to process things that you have been avoiding. You realize things arent perfect and don’t have to be, Pluto has a way of shedding light on shadowy corners. You get to know yourself better and this can carry you into better communication. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th begins a new cycle concerning career goals.

Scorpio: In a transit in line with your energy, Pluto trines Lillith during retrograde. It’s chaotic at times, yet you feel rather intensely like your old self. You are intuitive, strong and others may seek you for advice concerning philosophical or emotional matters. You are feeling rebellious, you feel that you would sacrifice more than others for your freedom of expression. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th has you dreaming up new plans for travel, education or adventure. You seek to shake up your routine. You are more willing to cut loose.

Sagittarius: You have hot takes and you speak up for yourself and others as Pluto trines Lillith. You don’t mind ruffling feathers during such a time. You have more of a radar and less of a tolerance for manipulation from people. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th inspires you to set new intentions in regards to intimate relationships and your identity. You seek spaces where you can let your true colors shine.

Capricorn: You are in a meditative and somewhat emotionally volatile state as Pluto trines Lillith during retrograde. You are processing some heavy feelings and it can be a challenging yet productive period. Take care not to take things out on undeserving people. You emerge after a few days feeling more empowered and aware. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th is a time to set new intentions for romance and relationships. You want to feel balance in one-on-one interactions and feel an emotional exchange.

Aquarius: As Pluto retrograde trines Lillith, you are inspired by the chaos to get messy, creative and experimental. You are more willing to put yourself out there and to take emotional risks. This can be a period of deepening self awareness and self acceptance. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th reminds you to adjust your schedule to changing demands and changing moods.

Pisces: You are especially resistant to social pressures as Pluto retrograde trines Lillith . You are OK with doing things differently and you embrace the chaos of life. You are particularly sensitive to the motives of others and even the thought of someone attempting to control you makes you agitated. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th inspires you to start being more creative and to let your emotions out in artistic ways. This is a lunar cycle in which to prioritize self expression and joy. If you have been a wallflower lately, now could be the time to hit the dance floor.

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