Horoscopes: June 14-20, 2024

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: There is a solar alignment beginning this week as the sun, Mercury and Venus move into Cancer. During this time of synchronicity, your attention is focused on your roots, home, family, and things that give you feelings of belonging. You might be exploring more of your own history. Problem solving in close relationships can be difficult yet rewarding, this could be a period of mending disconnects and the healing of bonds. You must be willing to be vulnerable, to admit mistakes and show that you are listening. On the flipside, you should also be firm in your boundaries and your perspective when it is called for. In relationships, you are more reserved and interested in fostering stability and showing your loyalty. Your energy is mostly devoted to chores, work and planning as you are not in the most festive period of your year. Not to say that there isn’t fun to be had. This is the beginning of a summer of personal growth and blossoming connections.

Taurus: The sun, Mercury and Venus begin their seasonal stay in Cancer this week. This is the start of a busy month. It’s good to be people oriented as your social sector is highlighted. Taking the time to listen, ask questions and connect on a more profound level brings gratification and opportunities. Relationships require decisiveness from you at this time even though your mental energy is a little scattered. People appreciate when you make plans and provide structure for your time together. You enjoy a variety of different topics and tasks. You might find it easier to absorb new information and learn new skills these days, so branching out can be enriching. 

Gemini: The sun, Mercury and Venus align in Cancer this week, which brings a quiet and practical vibe to the rest of the month for you. After an eventful few weeks, this is some much-needed respite. You are focused more on your values, material comforts and finances. This can be a period in which you seek to refine and improve certain areas of your life in greater detail. Relationships have a tendency to share resources and impact lifestyle more during this period. Anxiety around money or property may arise.

Cancer: Cancer season is off to a powerful start as the sun, Mercury and Venus align in your sign this week! This is a time in which you reevaluate and upgrade your identity, appearance and assertiveness. Your individuality and unique attributes are showcased and others can’t seem to help but notice you, for better and worse. It’s a good period in which to invest in yourself, seek opportunities, and find new purpose. Tap into your confidence and allow yourself to be more spontaneous. Romance and relationships enjoy good fortune and energy flow. Focus on enjoying the company of others and less on the logistics of things for now. Your communication style has the potential for evolution. Self reflection helps you to see areas that require care and attention. It’s a good time to initiate and facilitate conversations. Check your messages before you hit send. 

Leo: This week is the beginning of a period of introspection as the sun, Mercury and Venus align in Cancer. You feel a need to retreat and recover. This is not the time of year in which to agree to every task and social event. You must be choosy with your energy usage. Let things start and end organically. The flow of time has a way of revealing things as needed. One-on-one relationships are prioritized over friend groups and large networks. This is a period of cultivating deep understanding and trust. You are less vocal these days and more selective with what thoughts to share. You realize not everything needs saying. Be sure not to enable negative thought patterns for yourself or others. Avoid being harsh but practice being realistic.

Virgo: Your horizons are broadened by the sun, Mercury and Venus’s alignment in your 11th house in Cancer. This is the start of a period of social expansion and networking. Outward energy and an open mind make you receptive to new ideas and opportunities. Being closed off can be particularly detrimental at this time. Be honest with yourself about self-esteem issues or biases that are holding you back from necessary change. Your agenda is rather rigorous throughout Cancer season. A healthy distance in certain relationships can be good for now. Friendships and romantic partnerships are fun but not particularly profound at the moment. You may be starting to recognize that certain people have been overly taking advantage of your empathetic nature. It could be time to move toward connections that feel more equitable.

Libra: The sun, Mercury and Venus align in Cancer this week, which begins an industrious four-week period for you. You are more goal-oriented and interested in being constructive and accomplishing something that feels significant to you. You enjoy practical things and you are motivated by results. This has the potential to be a period of maturation and increased responsibility for you. Relationships can feel like projects during this period as you seek to improve them and put more effort into them. You are attracted to the idea of shared goals and are excited by folks who are pragmatic and motivated. You are more aware of your impact on the world around you and recognize the power of your choice of words and actions. You strive to be more thoughtful and considerate in the ways in which you navigate your exchanges.

Scorpio: As the sun, Mercury and Venus align in Cancer to highlight your ninth house, you feel that your energy is expanding and being drawn outwards toward the far reaches of space and time. You get the feeling that too much navel gazing has been bad for your sense of wellbeing. It’s time to open the curtain and look outside. You are in a big-picture and spiritually minded headspace. In relationships, you may be compelled to ask big questions and find out more about your partner’s point of view instead of your usual habit of setting the tone and taking the lead. It’s not that you intend to be bossy. It’s just that your strong personality can sometimes fill up the room. Learning, research and skill building are important practices this month. 

Sagittarius: There is a big thematic and energetic shift as the sun, Mercury and Venus move into your eighth house of transformation and intimacy. You are not in a festive mood, however. Your aura is powerful and your thoughts run deep. This is the start of the season of challenging yourself and putting new ideas into play. You care less what people think and are more intent on finding a unique approach that works for you. You may surprise yourself as you are compelled to do or think the opposite of an old approach of yours. In relationships, you are not content to settle for less. You want a partner who is enthralled by you. You seek things that add to your life instead of subtract. New ideas and taboo topics intrigue you. 

Capricorn: With the sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer highlighting your partnership sector for the next few weeks, your energy is directed toward your one-on-one relationships. You are interested in taking steps that lead toward collaboration and teamwork. You accomplish more and enjoy things more, when you share your time and energy. The input of others helps you to unlock your own solutions. It’s important to be delicate and diplomatic in your communication this week. In the romance department, you are in an affectionate mood. This season has the potential for flings and romantic intrigue. It’s also an ideal period in which to solve long-standing conflicts and cultivate peace in friendships. 

Aquarius: You are driven and attentive as the sun, Mercury and Venus align in Cancer. This week begins a period of focusing on projects and career. You are practicing better prioritizing and planning of tasks. You might pare down your to-do list to be more practical and realistic. There is joy and satisfaction in the details. In romance and relationships, you have a dislike of frivolity as you seek something that feels like a worthwhile investment. You find no sense in being vulnerable if the other party is not willing to meet you in the middle. However, if someone can do that, you find it natural and easy to be caring and affectionate. 

Pisces: When the sun, Mercury and Venus move into Cancer this week, you are in the prime time of 2024 for creativity, art, self expression and performance. You have a bold way of utilizing your unique perspective to solve problems and inspire others. This is not a time to be shy or do too much second guessing even though you may have a hard time with how vulnerable that can make you feel. Love and romance are highlighted. Relationships have a tendency to become more cozy and caring. There is finally a better connection between your mind and your heart that helps you to be a better listener and tap into your intuition. You are less conflicted about logic vs. emotion. You naturally know what is best for you.

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