Horoscopes: April 19-25, 2024

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: The sun in Taurus begins to highlight your second house on the 19th. During this period, you are more concerned about getting your finances in order and building your credentials in some way. This four-week period is one where you’re quietly working hard and focusing on practical things. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd boosts your willpower and helps you to reach a decision on something that has been left undecided for some time.

Taurus: Happy Taurus season! On the 19th, the sun highlights your first house for the next four weeks. This is a period to let your best attributes shine and to do some celebrating and self improvement. This is an important time to express yourself and to be heard. Problems that you have had over the previous few weeks reach conclusions when you take action. People are drawn to your powerful aura. The full moon in your sister sign of Scorpio on the 23rd can rock the boat in your relationships sector but it can bring about changes for the better as new things come to light.

Gemini: Taurus season begins on the 19th, where the sun highlights your privacy sector for the next four weeks. This is a period of rest, meditation and regeneration for you. This is an ideal time to make plans but probably not a good time to execute them. You prefer solitude during this time and people can feel like they’re being rather prying to you at this time (even if they’re not). The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd uncovers a previously concealed idea or emotion.

Cancer: Taurus season begins on the 19th, where it highlights your 11th house of community, friend groups and networking. This is a four-week period where it pays off to make connections and it can be very rewarding to volunteer your time toward meaningful causes. You enjoy being a part of something and having a role that suits your personality and abilities. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd stirs up tough feelings with positive breakthroughs.

Leo: On the 19th, the sun enters Taurus where it highlights your 10th house for the next four weeks. This is a period of focus on your career and reputation. Your mind is goal oriented and focused on advancing in some way. You desire to accomplish something significant and to live up to the standards that you have for yourself. Just make sure you aren’t being too hard on yourself. Nonetheless, a challenge can be good! The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd can inspire you to confront a part of yourself that needs understanding and acceptance.

Virgo: You are in an experimental mood as the sun in Taurus highlights your ninth house of adventure for the next four weeks. You feel more willing to make mistakes, try new things and mingle in different crowds. You find it difficult to keep up facades. Travel, higher learning and spirituality play heavily into your plans of late. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd uncovers hidden feelings and shakes you awake.

Libra: Taurus season begins on the 19th and the sun will highlight your eighth house of transformation. This is a four-week period in which you explore the deeper side of yourself and others. You are more comfortable with ruffling feathers, dabbling in the taboo and digging in the psychological mud. You have the potential to reach new levels of understanding and self awareness this month. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd reminds you to use your intuition when it comes to ending and beginning things.

Scorpio: Your sister sign, Taurus’s, season begins on the 19th where it highlights your partnership and relationship sector for the next four weeks. This can be an enlightening time of collaboration and connection. You do best when you bounce ideas off of others, have one-on-one conversations and share your energy. This is a great cosmic moment for working on creating or building upon romantic relationships. The full moon in your sign puts you in your element for better or for worse as you present yourself or someone else with a heavy truth.

Sagittarius: The sun in Taurus highlights your sixth house beginning on the 19th. During this time, you take yourself a little more seriously. Health, routines, self improvement and widening your skillset are prioritized. The next four weeks are an auspicious period to seek out new opportunities and explore options. You feel like you’re thinking more clearly than you have in a while. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd asks you to consider what matters the most to you.

Capricorn: Ah such a lovely spring breeze! When Taurus season begins on the 19th and your fifth house is highlighted, you receive a positive boost of creativity and a big capacity for joy. During the next four weeks, you are riding a wave of creativity and self expression. Prioritize performing, enjoying the arts, making romance and spreading good energy. Leisure activities and quality time with friends or family can recharge you. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd reminds you of your most powerful ambitions.

Aquarius: Taurus season begins on the 19th, where the sun will be highlighting your fourth house for the next four weeks. This is a season in which you seek stability, comfort and familiarity. You are feeling more reserved in a social setting and you seek a deeper meaning to things. You may be on a journey of getting more in touch with your roots in some way. History appeals to you. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd shakes you out of a period of inaction and into a new period of transformative intention and movement.

Pisces: Taurus season brings the sun into your communication zone for the next four weeks, beginning on the 19th. During this period, you are feeling more outgoing and excited to get involved in things. Your mental energy is highlighted and this can be a great time for learning, research and short trips. Maybe it’s a good time to say yes to a social engagement if you haven’t in a while. The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd reminds you to express yourself and not to shy away from who you are or how you feel.

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