Horoscopes Sept. 8-14, 2023

    Illustration by Ash Cheshire

    Aries: During Jupiter retrograde, we may be wondering if some of our dreams are really the right fit for us anymore. Have your priorities shifted? What is next for you? This can feel like a bit of an identity crisis. Take time to be flexible with yourself and understand the present moment. Don’t keep it a secret. Try sharing your feelings with a friend. It’s important to bounce ideas off someone else and not create a personal echo chamber. 

    Taurus: Jupiter retrograde in your sign has you examining an issue that has been concerning you for quite a while. Be deliberate about your assessment: try writing, talking and reading up on similar experiences. As mercury turns station this week, you feel yourself becoming unstuck at just the right time. The new moon in Virgo on the 14th refreshes your energy at work or with ongoing projects. 

    Gemini: Your ruler Mercury ends its retrograde and stations in your fourth house, the house of roots, home bases, and close friends and family. Thoughts and conversations about the past can be quite fulfilling or eye opening at his time. It’s easier to get closer or to establish yourself as a part of something. Connection and personal experiences matter more than money or business right now. The new moon in Virgo on the 14th brings a renewed focus on self improvement. 

    Cancer: The new moon in Virgo on the 14th brings a renewed interest in spirituality and emotional well being. You may be in the mood to try a little hygiene for your spirit in whatever way you choose to interpret that. Meanwhile, Mercury turns direct after its wild retrograde period and highlights your third house of communication and travel. If there has been something getting in the way of you making certain social connections or taking a trip somewhere, you may discover that these obstacles have been removed as you make another attempt. 

    Leo: Venus continues to highlight your sign reminding you to show yourself some love and appreciation. Meanwhile, Mercury ends its retrograde in your financial sector and could create new avenues for income or saving money as it aligns with the new moon in Virgo. It’s time for a new mindset around your work and your goals. 

    Virgo: The new moon in your sign on the 14th brings renewed personal insight and refreshing energy. It’s a reminder to dust yourself off, try again, and be OK with a few mistakes along the way. As Venus continues to orbit your privacy sector free from the stagnation of retrograde, it seems that you can finally begin to get close to people again, open up, and make connections. Romance comes back online and it is easier to look within and to discover what you truly feel and want when it comes to love. Your ruler Mercury also ends its retrograde on the 15th in your sign and brings fortuitous vibes of self expression, mind expansion, listening and understanding. It’s a great time to learn new skills and concepts.  

    Libra: Jupiter begins its retrograde in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Taurus this week. This transit will highlight your eighth house of deep emotions, transformations, sensuality and secrets. Unexpected things surface from within that have the power to create new paths in your lifestyle and relationships. You uncover new things about yourself over the next three months that shift your perspective. 

    Scorpio: As Mercury ends its retrograde this week, you feel your mind open up like a previously jammed window opens to fill the stagnant room with fresh air! You have new, vibrant ideas and outside-of-the-box approaches to challenges. Conversations have an intellectual and mind-melding quality to them as you make some very special connections and explore your relationships more deeply through sharing. The new moon in Virgo on the 14th reminds you it’s OK to ask for help and that it’s valuable to be part of a team.  

    Sagittarius: Throughout the rest of the month, you are raising your standards and your expectations concerning love and relationships. You are less inclined to settle for second-rate and you aren’t likely to give in to desperation. The new moon in Virgo on the 14th inspires you to be deliberate in your choices. Meanwhile, your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus until December and helps you reinvent your daily route in a way that makes more room for fun and enjoyment. 

    Capricorn: Jupiter turns retrograde in fellow earth sign Taurus and highlights your romance and creativity department. If you are single, you might be inspired to start dating more earnestly and go for what you really want. If you are committed, you may be taking intimacy to the next level and bringing more personal depth to the table than before. Vulnerability can be refreshing after so much secrecy and defensiveness. Artistic projects take flight when you are willing to get experimental and go with the flow.

    Aquarius: The new moon on the 14th in Virgo has you feeling tired of the rat race, keeping up appearances, and trying to adhere to seemingly absurd social norms. You seek out places where you can be your authentic self and make room for others to do the same. You notice just how much all of this has been wearing on your self esteem and you seek to improve your relationship with yourself. 

    Pisces: The new moon in your sister sign of Virgo on the 14th highlights your relationship and partnerships zone. You are seeing your relationships through a new lens and also reexamining the kind of person you want to be within those relationships. Perhaps you have been putting pressure on yourself to be perfect or to be what you think others want you to be, or maybe you have been looking to a lover to fulfill something within yourself that only you can provide through personal growth and healing (not to say that relationships can’t be healing or that growth cannot be made in them; it certainly can and does happen). Being realistic, flexible and practicing self compassion is key.

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