Horoscopes: Sept. 1-7, 2023

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: The moon in your sign on the first two days of the month trines with Venus in Leo. You’re feeling more motivated to collaborate and cooperate with others. Your energy grabs attention this week. People want to talk to you and know what’s on your mind. As Venus ends its retrograde, the imagination you have been sorely missing turns back on and you feel a new flow of ideas. Writer’s block is demolished and it seems like a much better environment for self expression now.

Taurus: The moon in your sign on the 3rd and 4th, in alignment with your ruler Venus in Leo, ends its retrograde this week and gives you a boost of understanding and generosity. It’s a good time to reach out or make space for someone who seems to be in need of support and inclusion. In that you might find something you needed as well.

Gemini: Sticking with what is familiar this week feels like the right move. Play to your strengths since now may not be an ideal time to push the envelope as your ruler Mercury finishes up its final weeks of retrograde. Luckily, things start to free up in the romance and relationships department as Venus ends its retrograde and you’re feeling more creative and expressive. Your interactions with others slowly become more favorable throughout the month. 

Cancer: This week’s introspective energy has you reflecting on the past and the decisions you made then. As Venus retrograde comes to a close in Leo, you are thinking about your responsibilities and your reputation. Perhaps you want to be more assertive or decisive going forward. Maybe you want to be kinder or more open minded. You are setting new intentions for how you interact with people and what face you show to the world.

Leo: This week and for most of September, you are quietly working on yourself and prioritizing your goals. What you are up to may not be apparent to others yet as there is an aura of privacy around you at the moment. Venus is finally ending its retrograde in your sign and you feel less reliant on outside approval and attention. You can get back to simply enjoying your relationships and romantic endeavors as there is not a feeling that you need to “review” or “repair” them right now.

Virgo: The sun in your first house continues to inspire you to deepen your connection with yourself, increase your confidence and show your best side. Socializing, self promotion and dressing up daily can be a great way to celebrate. Meanwhile, Venus ends its retrograde on the 3rd and any heaviness, nostalgia or secrecy you’ve been feeling lately seems to lighten up and feel less haunting. Relationships become more lighthearted.

Libra: Your ruling planet, Venus, ends its retrograde and turns direct in fiery Leo. You’re feeling more like yourself and are less fixated on the past and the things you can’t change. You are ready to focus on the present and the things that you can change. In love and relationships, you feel less dependent on others. Creativity and self expression are your best tools.

Scorpio: This week, it feels like your big plans are on hold or that you do not have the necessary tools or information to make your next decision or move (yet!). Patience is key as it can be tempting to give in to frustration. The good news is that Venus ends its retrograde in Leo and has you feeling much more confident and lighthearted. Your view on relationships becomes more optimistic. 

Sagittarius: Your ruling planet Jupiter turns retrograde in earthy Taurus and your sixth house for the next four months starting on the 4th. This means you are reviewing your lifestyle, your habits and your values. You want to build routines that are sustainable ways to meet long-term goals over time. Surround yourself with people who support you and inspire you on your path. Meanwhile, Venus the love planet ends its retrograde in Leo on the 3rd and brings a recent relationship tribulation to a close as you finally get some clarity on the matter.

Capricorn: Venus ends its retrograde in Leo on the 3rd. Projects invoking teamwork and collaboration begin to see momentum and success after a period of stagnation. The sun in fellow earth sign Virgo continues to inspire you to pursue creative endeavors and to improve your home and work environments. In love and relationships, you feel you are starting a new chapter with a different approach.

Aquarius: Your partnership sector has been under the spotlight throughout this monthlong Venus retrograde in Leo, which is ending on the 3rd. If you’ve been preferring alone time lately, now might be the time to branch out and try connecting and collaborating. If there is something you’ve been stuck on, then the perspective of another might be the valuable thing that gets you unstuck. 

Pisces: A sense of harmony returns to you after a month of Venus in retrograde, as the 3rd sees it turn direct in Leo. You are feeling more communicative, collaborative and optimistic beginning this week and moving forward. The sun in your sister sign of Virgo continues to highlight your partnership sector. Relationships are deepening in connection and escalating in commitment during this time.

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