Horoscopes: June 9 to 15

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: June continues to be a time of gathering momentum. There are new people and ideas coming into your life. You are feeling more receptive to these things and are ready to add to your friend circle and your schedule. On June 11 Mercury favorably highlights your third house: communication and mental energy. Your mind is energized and you can learn new things quickly, multitask, and make better and clearer connections with others. Take advantage of these Mercurial weeks by engaging in social activities, furthering your education on an intriguing topic, or having a long chat with someone.

Taurus: As June progresses you are feeling more focused about your future plans and your present desires. Mercury, the planet of new ideas and connections, highlights your second house: material possessions, income and personal values. You are thinking about new ways to improve your financial situation, or perhaps you want to view money and personal belongings differently. Friends and coworkers can be particularly helpful at this time. Connections play a big part in your situation. Be cautious, of course, by tempering this and not caring too much about what others think. Don’t compromise your core values. 

Gemini: As we continue your solar season, your ruling planet Mercury moves home into your sign on June 11 aligning with the sun and highlighting your first house: the self, identity, and image. You are feeling open to new ideas and inspiration, and you feel the power in your self expression. Your aura is attractive to others, and your professional and creative endeavors are fortuitous. Your ideas are unique while having a certain sensibility and appeal to them. It is an ideal time to take a stand on issues that matter to you and to speak up and address problems head on.

Cancer: This week you are feeling more reclusive and would rather stick to things that are familiar and consistent, such as yourself, despite that everyone else seems to be partying and going all out for this Gemini season and Pride Month. Most of the communication you feel like doing seems to be with yourself these days. You are feeling thoughtful, reflective, and in the mood to learn quietly. You may find yourself researching new topics rather deeply and intently or staying up late philosophizing. Not that you won’t venture out or that fun isn’t in the cards for you. You’ll probably just need a little extra motivation to get out there.

Leo: As June continues, you are experiencing new sensations and divine inspirations. Mercury the planet of communication and mental energy is visiting your eleventh house: abundance, social groups, idealism, and opportunity. Through outside the box thinking and creativity you carve out new connections and pathways. You feel emboldened with the confidence and know-how it takes to make changes that you have desired for a long time.

Virgo: This week, your ruling planet Mercury enters your fellow Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini, where it feels at home and can really shine. This transit will last from June 11 to 26 and highlight your tenth house: career and business. Mercury bestows upon you more confidence and assertiveness in decision making, and you are better at expressing your concerns and your goals. Social connections factor into your luck and progress concerning projects, promotions, and opportunities. You may be receiving attention for the work that you do at this time, but don’t get too hung up on the perceptions of everyone.

Libra: From June 11 to 26, Mercury, the planet of communication and mental energy, highlights your ninth house of expansion, adventure, and learning. Through this transit you are feeling more curious about the world and about others. You are inspired to try new things, research new topics, and travel. You may be reaching a new understanding concerning your beliefs, since this transit also highlights spirituality and philosophical discussion. It’s best not to focus too much on the mundane or the daily, but you must also remember not to neglect these things entirely.

Scorpio: This week, your ruling planet Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn and has you reflecting on times when you have felt silenced or diminished. You also ponder things that have been left unsaid. It can be a heavy time that reminds you of your frustrations or the times that you have been misunderstood. It is also an opportunity to strengthen your presence and your commitment to yourself through these reflections. With the help of Mercury, the planet of mental energy and communication, you are sharp witted and grasp new concepts easily. You can also articulate your feelings and desires clearly. 

Sagittarius: As we continue on our way through June, there is good energy for agreements, solving interpersonal issues and building things through teamwork and cooperation. Mercury in Gemini from June 11 to 26 highlights your partnership sector and brings problem solving and balancing energy to your relationships. If there are things you have been meaning to discuss, it can be a great time to do so. Creative projects that involve collaboration can really blossom at this time. Try to do equal parts listening and speaking.

Capricorn: This week, Pluto, the planet of transformation, re-enters your sign for a brief visit (until January) as it turns retrograde. A few months ago it finally left your sign after a 15-year stay! This brief and finite return can be a time of reflecting on past versions of yourself, the trials you have overcome, and the triumphs you have made. You are on the brink of some wonderful changes. Capricorn and Pluto together is a union of experience, wisdom, challenges, and refinement. Meanwhile Mercury in your sixth house inspires you to make better daily routines and habits.

Aqaurius:  From June 11 to 26, Mercury, the planet of communication, and mental energy highlights your joy and entertainment sector. You are energized through new and bolder modes of self expression, and you are feeling more outgoing and willing to try new things, make mistakes, and look silly. A good sense of humor about yourself seems to take you places farther and faster than a serious approach these days. Romance and passion are kindled through conversation, shared activities, and playfulness.

Pisces: Mercury, the planet of communication and mental energy, transits your home and family sector from June 11 to 26. This transit is not always literally about a house or your family, and especially not when the transcendent sign of Gemini is involved. This transit may be interpreted as more of a time where you reflect upon and learn from your roots, your past, and where you come from. You may be thinking about how these things shaped you and how you want to apply these values and beliefs going forward. Connecting with like-minded individuals can be especially empowering at this time.

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