Horoscopes: May 12 to 18

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: On May 14, Mercury enters its adjustment period as it ends its retrograde. Things don’t go back to normal right away, but the dust certainly begins to settle. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 is a reminder to always come with a plan. It’s a good time to review and take account of any new insights gained during retrograde. The past few weeks have been challenging and might have shone a spotlight on your insecurities. How can you embrace them rather than hide them? How can you see them as a strength?

Taurus: This week Mercury enters its shadow period after ending its retrograde on May 14. We can be relieved that this tough retrograde period has ended but it will still be a few days until the fog clears completely. Your birthday season has been cosmically eventful with many retrogrades and eclipses. There have been challenges as well as blessings in disguise. The new moon in your sign on May 19 is a time of reviewing and planning. Refresh your mind.

Gemini: This week your ruler Mercury ends its rampant retrograding on May 14 and enters a 72 hour shadow period before the dust completely settles. On May 19, the new moon in Taurus reminds you that even a Gemini such as yourself craves a little stability and predictability. It’s a good time to make plans and do your best to be punctual. Even the simplest plans can still be good ones.

Cancer: This week, Mercury ceases the madness and ends its retrograde on May 14. It will take a few days for the vibes to chill out completely but, it’s a step towards more clarity and ease in daily life. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 has you reflecting on the things that have changed and the things that have stayed the same. You may be inspired to declutter your home as you feel like you have too many of one thing or the other.

Leo: This week Mercury ends its retrograde on May 14 and sense slowly begins to return to your daily life. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 has you looking for 100% guarantees in life, and while nothing in life can be 100% guaranteed, you can make plans and make consistent yet small moves that help you keep your promises to yourself. These moves can be important in the long run.

Virgo: This week your ruling planet Mercury enters a short shadow period after ending its retrograde on May 14. It’s not smooth sailing just yet but the tough part is over. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 has you feeling ready to let go of material items that are taking up space. The new moon in Taurus is also about setting an intention to stick to plans and follow through in the coming month. It’s time to finally make some decisions and learn how to live with them.

Libra: This week Mercury slows its roll and ends its retrograde period, but it will still be a few days before things truly calm down. The new moon on May 19 inspires you to be more decisive and to really follow through on the things you say. You realize avoidance has been the root of some of the issues you’ve had, so try and take steps to help you deal with things rather than push them off.

Scorpio: This week Mercury ends its retrograde on May 14. However, it will still take a few days for things to truly settle down. You’ve been doing your best and working with what you’ve got. The new moon in your opposite sign of Taurus has you feeling ready to embark on a new chapter in your romance and relationship department. You seek to free yourself of resentments and past reservations.

Sagittarius: This week Mercury stops retrograding all over your life on May 14 but it will take a few days for things to truly smooth out. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 has you re-evaluating your lifestyle. You’re in a headspace to prioritize self care and stick to a plan, so lean into that and take care of yourself.

Capricorn: This week Mercury ends its retrograde on May 14, but things will take a few days to really calm down. The new moon in fellow earth sign Taurus is all about consistency and predictability. You seek out new paths in your work and your relationships that have been carefully assessed and that seem likely to succeed. You’re interested in branching out, but you still aren’t a fan of surprises. Still, don’t be afraid to try new things.

Aquarius: This week Mercury ends its retrograde on May 14 but will be in a shadow period for the following three days while it sorts itself out. You can slowly but surely get back to your usual routine. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 opens up new possibilities both creatively and professionally. It can be tempting to jump right into something, but it’s best to factor in all variables first.

Pisces: This week Mercury ends its retrograde, but it will take a few days more for the chaos to truly subside. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 brings new perspectives to your beliefs and values. You are thinking more about how you define respect, worth, and improvement. You may have a unique idea concerning such things that others might not understand right away, but don’t let that shake your confidence. Go for it.

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