Horoscopes: April 7 to 13

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: This week Venus moves into your transit and communication sector. You are feeling outgoing and curious about people. Your energy can be quite friendly and you are quick with humor. Short trips or local adventures are possible. You might discover something new in a place that is familiar to you. Meanwhile, Mercury in your second house has you thinking a lot about your finances. 

Taurus: This week your ruler Venus moves into your emotional sector where it feels comfortable and at home. You seek security and simplicity in life. It’s an ideal time to cultivate deeper and more meaningful friendships. Consistency and dependability are what you treasure most in relationships. Things don’t have to be flashy or exciting for no reason. Just let them be.

Gemini: This week Venus brings positive influence into your romance sector. You’re working towards being kinder and more flexible, and you choose words more thoughtfully. You seek to cultivate more vulnerability and openness in your relationships. Meanwhile Mercury in your privacy sector reminds you to clean out your metaphorical closet. It’s an ideal time to look into the past and decide what to keep or what to let go of.

Cancer: This week you are feeling more reserved, especially concerning your romantic relationships. Alone time feels the most comfortable for you during this time, and you show your affection in subtle ways. Your perspective on a certain situation shifts. You need some extra rest and space to just be yourself. The expectations of others make you feel undue pressure and agitation. 

Leo: This week you’re in the mood to do some learning and self improvement. You have a special kind of optimism that just won’t quit, and people either love or envy it. Either way, you are feeling inspired to broaden your horizons. Venus in your social sector makes this an ideal time to spend time with friends or make good impressions in professional or creative spheres. 

Virgo: Venus highlights your unique talents this week and adds charm and creativity to even your most mundane of endeavors. You find connection when you take on projects or achieve goals with a crush, lover, or partner. Your ruling planet Mercury in your ninth house, the house of philosophy and fortune, reminds you of the importance of being true to yourself. You gain the most insight and success through authenticity and earnestness. 

Libra: Your ruling planet Venus graces your ninth house (the house of philosophy and fortune) this week. This transit has you in the mood to approach life a little differently and to think about the big picture. In love you are drawn to unique individuals who are nothing like your ex. You express yourself more candidly at this time. You may be considering switching jobs or signing up for some classes. 

Scorpio: This week Venus graces your eighth house, the house of sex, taboos, and regeneration. During this transit you are feeling sensual, intense, and in control of your destiny. Romantic relationships can be very passionate and interesting at this time. There may be new avenues opening up for you to improve your finances or material status at this time as well. You feel that you are recovering from a point in your life and emotional energy you were previously stuck in.

Sagittarius: This week you are feeling energized to clarify, negotiate, connect, and smooth things over with the people around you. Venus highlights your friendship and reputation sector. You are feeling mindful of the impact you have on those close to you and the first impressions you make on new acquaintances. Being upfront about boundaries and preferences helps to set a good foundation for future commitments, relationships, and professional projects. 

Capricorn: This week your mental energy is sharp and you are feeling lively and creative. Mercury the planet of communication, mentality, and adaptability highlights your pleasure and entertainment sector. You are enjoying good banter and conversations. Creative breakthroughs or success could be on the horizon! It’s an ideal time to focus on research and intellectual stimulation as well. You learn best when you are also having fun.

Aquarius: Venus, the planet of love, highlights your fifth house, the house of pleasure and entertainment. In your romantic endeavors you just want to have fun and express yourself. This is a fortuitous placement that naturally increases your charm and magnetism. You find connection in dance and music. You may be in the mood to watch a play or see a new movie. The muses might inspire you to dream up your next work of art! 

Pisces: This week you value loyalty and respect above all else in your relationships as Venus the love planet highlights your home, values, and family sector. You seek out those who you can be your most comfortable and authentic self around. You may be feeling sentimental and particularly cozy and affectionate with those special folks too. It’s an ideal time to be transparent about your feelings and to show your appreciation in ways that are just as unique as your relationships. 

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