Horoscopes: March 31 to April 6

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: On April 1, your ruling planet Mars moves in good graces with Saturn. This transit highlights your finer points like your loyalty, sense of duty and your motivation to accomplish big things. You achieve the best results when you act in accordance with your higher values. You find that you have learned much from past experiences. April is all about being decisive followed by being dedicated to those decisions. What’s something you would be proud of yourself for following through on?

Taurus: Your ruling planet Venus is in conjunction with Neptune the planet of dreams, which can have a magical influence on your romance department. It is an ideal time to deepen emotional intimacy in your relationships or an ideal time to set your intentions on your “dream partner” and really envision the type of love you’re looking for. One thing to watch for is that Neptune can also blur our vision and have us seeing only what we want to see. Be sure that you are staying grounded.

Gemini: Your ruling planet is transiting your intuition and emotions sector, where your subconscious dwells. As we begin April you are feeling contemplative, quiet and reflective. You aren’t one for the spotlight these days as you prefer a little downtime or solitude. You may be thinking about the past or reminiscing about former versions of yourself. You may find that there is wisdom in all of it. Don’t get lost in the labyrinth of memory. Take what you need and move forward as Saturn, the planet of duty and responsibility, forms a favorable aspect with Mercury on April 5 and reminds you of your own strength and goals. 

Cancer: The full moon in solar opposition in Libra means that you are using your intuition to make practical decisions. You seek to balance your logic with your feelings. This could be a time of fruition for certain career or educational projects. In relationships, as Venus sextiles Neptune on April 6 and 7, you are feeling imaginative and romantic. You are very accepting of the quirks and eccentricity of others, and you value those who are doing things differently than you are.

Leo: This week the full moon in Libra on April 6 has you feeling ready to make some big decisions about work and education. As it opposes the sun you are also making moves to achieve a better work and life balance. You want to spend more time with loved ones these days and nothing else feels as important as that. In love you are feeling understanding and intuitive, you are interested in what your crush or partner thinks deeply about. You don’t mind just sitting back and listening.

Virgo: This week, as your ruling planet Mercury enters practical and earthy Taurus, you are feeling equal parts level headed and lazy. You move through life deliberately and feel like it suits you best to conserve your energy and not exert too much energy on any one thing. The full moon in Libra on April 6 inspires you to be more decisive about your love life. Taking charge can be a good thing.

Libra: This week, the full moon in your sign on April 6 has you feeling yourself. As this transit highlights your identity and “sense of self” sector, you may want to spend some quality time doing the things that make you feel your best and that really remind you of who you are. It is an ideal time to hone your personal skills and unique talents. In love and romance you are magnetic and attractive to others, so embrace it.

Scorpio: The April 6 full moon in Libra energizes you and helps you balance your relationships. You have a boost of decisive energy concerning boundaries with friends, family, and romantic partners. Meanwhile, your ruling planet Pluto’s move into Aquarius gives you a boost of open minded free thinking flexibility. You are feeling more optimistic and you want to spread hope to others. 

Sagittarius: This week the full moon in Libra on April 6 has you feeling open minded and social. You have made up your mind to do things differently when it comes to going out, meeting new people, or spending time with friends. Trying new places and new approaches does wonders for your confidence and energy. You may have gotten bogged down in the monotony of the past. 

Capricorn: This week the full moon in Libra on April 6 reminds you to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. If you are seeing someone, it is a decisive time in which you have heart to heart discussions or make a game plan for both personal space and quality time. If you are single, you may be enjoying your own solo adventure and perhaps you aren’t in as much of a hurry to settle down at the moment. 

Aquarius: This week the full moon in Libra on April 6 has you thinking philosophically and spiritually. You have made up your mind about a new path in life, and you are ready to challenge yourself and find your limits as well as the new heights you can reach. In love and relationships you see past the superficial and appreciate good vibes and good chemistry. Things don’t have to follow a set trajectory. Let the energy guide you. 

Pisces: This week, as Venus sextiles your ruling planet, you are feeling emboldened to bring your full authentic self into your relationships in new and interesting ways. You are not one who typically cares what others think but you can be somewhat shy around lovers and crushes. Sharing your deeper more self expressive nature can heighten intimacy and bring a new free flowing energy into the mix. It may also inspire others to open up as well, and you may have a breakthrough in learning something about someone dear to you. The full moon in Libra on April 6 has you feeling ready to make some big decisions concerning career, creativity, and romance. There is a glow of passion around you.

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