Horoscopes: April 8 – 14, 2022

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: You feel the need to hold back and to be more mindful this week. It’s best to do some math before making any calls or decisions. Venus and Mars in your privacy sector are two aspects that can inspire you to be more discreet in love and social situations. You can be especially sensitive to criticisms, and even the most casual questions can feel invasive to you.

Taurus: Jupiter and Neptune bring you a sense of wonder for the world around you this week. The connections you make are dreamlike, and your mode of expression can be rather cryptic to others. You may be feeling very self reflective or spiritual at this time. Mercury moves into your sign on the 10th and increases your social influences. You may be making an impression upon others with your thoughtful and unique qualities. 

Gemini: It’s all business this week. You are promoting yourself, networking, and generally trying to make things happen. Mars energizes your professional sector and motivates you to get your foot in the door in a variety of places. You are feeling both socially inviting and confident. You know deep down that you have special things to share with others. New friendships can bring inspiration. Just beware of healthy competition becoming too all consuming.

Cancer: Venus and Mars in your spirituality sector creates balance. You feel both skeptical and optimistic. You are learning new and deeply meaningful things and creating connections with previously hidden parts of yourself. You are magnetic and personable at this time, and your aura is strong for attracting people and things. You are curious about life and you seek profound experiences.

Leo: All through this month, friends, family, and partnerships are an energetic focal point for you. You gain your greatest insights in the realm of your relationships. Your connections deepen and your increasing self awareness helps you to see the same depths in others. This week you seek to create a plan to further your career, financial, or material goals as Mars influences your motivation and desire. You want more of everything (within reason). 

Virgo: Venus and Mars in your relationship sector create a need for interaction with others. If you have been too busy or too shy to reach out and make plans with people, now is the time to break out of that habit. You can get so much energy from being around the right people during this time, it can turn your whole day around. Problem solving and conversations can be particularly smooth sailing at this time, so if there is something you have been meaning to resolve this may be a good time to give it a try. 

Libra: This week is a good time to try to finish what you started! Perhaps you have a habit of beginning too many projects at once? Venus and Mars can boost your energy for daily affairs. The Aries sun in your partnership sector can make your powers of attraction quite strong, and you may be getting some attention brought on by your charm, wit, and personality. Connections made at this time can be particularly cooperative and constructive, as it is likely you share common goals or similar ideologies. Romantic partnerships are also favored at this time and you may be feeling the love bug bite. 

Scorpio: This week you are more likely to get involved in what’s going on around you. You have been practicing saying yes to the right things. Creative pursuits, community life, and long term goals feel closer to you than usual. Venus and Mars are in your fifth house, the house of pleasure and enjoyment. You may be putting your energy towards feeling good these days and pursuing your creative passions. Your outlook is more optimistic than usual and it can be easier to see the good in people and let go of your more nihilistic reservations. 

Sagittarius: Venus and Mars influence your heart and soul this week, there is a positive boost in your emotional life and creativity. You’re seeking more collaboration and cooperation in your daily life and you are finding that your ideas blossom when you share them. You’re in charge of the vibes at this time and you’re the one who creates the energy for the rest of the room. Be cautious of letting your imagination run off on its own, as your mind is quite powerful. 

Capricorn: This week, new ideas, hope and inspiration are heading your way as Neptune and Jupiter align. Opportunities and dreams may intersect in unlikely places throughout the month of April. It is an ideal time to build upon relationships, celebrate the accomplishments of friends, broaden your horizons, and be creative, especially in the arts or music. The lines of communication are more open these days and it’s a good time to share what is in your heart instead of your normal hesitation to do so. 

Aquarius: Venus and Mars are in your resources sector this week and it is an ideal time to materialize thoughts into reality. Things that you speak may have a way of becoming true at this time. You’re coming up with innovative ways to make the best of what you have and to organize your life while reducing waste. You may also be developing your talents and honing your skills at this time. Learning, practicing and studying are some of your most powerful resources. Listening to and supporting others brings light and positivity to whatever you do, you’re not the only one with great ideas, so be sure to share the spotlight.

Pisces: This week may require some calm decisiveness and gentle assertiveness. Venus and Mars in your sign have a lot of attention being sent your way, so it will be important to convey what you want and what you don’t. All throughout April is a time of career opportunities, romantic expansion, and creative musings. There will be many opportunities but not as much time, as things seem to be pretty busy for you, dear Pisces. Your energy and curiosity are strong as you start the weekend, you are feeling confident and may have an easier time putting away the past and moving forward to go on and simply enjoy life in a more unfettered way.

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