Help shape the future of LGBTQ news

Can I ask you a favor? It’s all about what the future of Philadelphia Gay News will be. Although journalism is changing, it still comes down to delivering news and information about our community that you need. We’ve brought that to you for 46 years now, and as the landscape of newspapers, magazines, and media changes we need to hear from you. You are the most important part of what we do.

Several LGBTQ+ media partners, including this newspaper, have formed News Is Out, a collaborative with the Local Media Association (LMA), whose members include 2,800 local media brands (newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, digital news sites & more), as well as several hundred R&D partners in the industry. LMA’s mission is to help local media companies discover, vet and test business models that will support news. Seed funding for the collaborative has been provided by Google News Initiative. Along with PGN some of the most trusted names in LGBTQ+ journalism are partners: The Washington Blade, San Francisco’s Bay Area Reporter, Dallas Voice, Chicago’s Windy City Times, TAGG Magazine, and Q Voice News. Together we’ll create what we believe to be one of the most complete national LGBTQ+ news and information websites, while also serving our readers with local news, views and information they’ve learned to expect from us.

LMA brings a commitment to LGBTQ+ media and has pioneered this form of collaboration with a similar program it helped create for Black media called Word in Black. 

So what was that favor I was asking about? We could use your feedback on the beginning stages of this adventure as we take part in this exciting new LGBTQ+ media venture. To provide the best possible experience for you, our readers, we’re asking if you can spare a few minutes to share your thoughts with us by taking the survey below. Your responses will help us in shaping our content to best serve our readers. In the survey, you will also be asked about participating in a focus group in the future. Please consider clicking “yes” and playing an even more significant role in helping us develop News is Out. Together we’ll build a stronger community.

Here’s the link:

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