Horoscopes: September 3 -9, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: Your ruling planet Mars in your sixth house — the house of work, duty and effort — can cause an increase in productivity and intentional behavior, although tensions may erupt at work due to your impatience. Venus’s influence on your chart brings intensity to romantic relationships, as one or both pirates seeks to deepen the connection. Conversations are precarious and full of emotion. 

Taurus: The sun highlights your fifth house this week, the house of self expression, personality, and confidence. You are looking for ways to be more outgoing and engaging towards people. You may also be inspired to practice self acceptance and boost your self esteem. It may also be a good time to toss out old clothes that don’t make you feel your most fabulous and replace them with something more ‘you.’

Gemini: This week the sun highlights your fourth house, the house of home,  family and chosen family. You may be feeling extra protective and private over what is yours and you are putting your energy towards home improvement and either providing or receiving guidance from someone close to you.

Cancer: This week you are busy, and you seek validation and reward for your efforts. A source of pride may come from helping others or offering your own problem solving perspective. Venus in your homelife sector means you may be forming more supportive and trusting relationships with those whom you share spaces with. 

Leo: The sun in your second house until September 22nd makes this a month of financial planning and budgeting. You may also be paying attention to what you own more closely. It could be good to follow an urge to throw out things that are cluttering your space. This week you find your comfort zone and stay well within it both socially and emotionally. You have found a groove in your routine.

Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury in your work and finance sector makes you re-examine your earning and spending patterns. The moon in your sign on the 6th ignites your personal power and inspires you to make some necessary changes. You are undergoing a major attitude adjustment this month!

Libra: This month, many planetary aspects highlight your solar first house, so you can expect a variety of energies, influences, and lessons in the coming weeks. This week your ruling planet showcases your magnetism and likeability. People are drawn to you and interested in what you think. There will be opportunities to build through teamwork and communication over the weekend as Jupiter harmonizes with Venus.

Scorpio: This week the sun in your eleventh house, the house of society and community, has you rethinking your roles within groups, rebelling against your own typecasting and networking outside of your ursula circle. Venus’s influence on your chart this week has you wondering less what your lover can do for you and more what you can do for your lover.

Sagittarius: The sun’s influence on your chart this week makes you recognize yourself for the caring, responsible and powerful person that you are. It can be a great feeling that can quickly ignite your ego so be sure to keep it in balance. Venus in your eleventh house makes you want to break free form relationships in which you feel you have to limit or tone yourself down. 

Capricorn: This month of September you seek personal growth and self awareness. Spiritual practices can be particularly appealing at this time. You are feeling more bold and experimental with your interpretations of your mind and your emotions and you are making more space for the organic changes that your feelings go through.

Aquarius: This week your standards for yourself and others are set very high. In romantic endeavors you want to get a little more than you give. You are charming and magnetic as your ninth house is highlighted by Venus and this allows you to get away with that sort of thing from time to time. You find the untrodden path particularly attractive at this time.

Pisces: The sun in your seventh house, the house of partnerships, is a time of learning about yourself through your relationships. It’s not an ideal time to push a personal agenda with those close to you but rather to watch and see what transpires. Seeing what occurs naturally can offer invaluable insight. There may be tension around teamwork or communication, and a compromise must be made.

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