Aries: The new moon in Leo on the 8th inspires you to be proactive in the face of the unexpected. One way to truly “grow up” is by getting in touch with your inner child. Making plans with yourself and holding yourself accountable to those things, whether big or small, is one way to show yourself that you are reliable and can be counted on, especially when others can’t be.
Taurus: The new moon in Leo emphasizes a renewed approach to romance, self esteem, and sources of pride. Finding what feels best and most comfortable is as easy as listening to your intuition at this time. If something makes you feel bad, trust yourself that it is with good reason and not just something to be ignored. Keywords this week are, personal authority, honor, care, and hospitality.
Gemini: The new moon in Leo this week is a burst of warm, calm, responsible energy. Approaching things dutifully and lovingly feels most fulfilling. Home life, romantic relationships, and friendships are characterized by care and attentiveness at this time. There is a protective and observant aura around you. You seek to be more open about your goals and desires and also to be more honest with yourself.
Cancer: The new moon in Leo is a time to think about how you want to express yourself. You will realize that it is you who makes the rules. Your personal authority and responsibility is strengthened, and you feel a renewed sense of power. You prioritize saying “yes” to yourself and to the things that you enjoy doing. A balance is struck as we learn what is confidence and what is ego.
Leo: This week, the new moon in your sign on the 8th is a check for your ego. You must come to understand the difference between a healthy sense of pride and downright bravado or vanity. A fixation on the self, either positive or negative, can be distracting you for other important matters. The new moon is a chance to follow through with the things you can control and let go of the things that you cannot.
Virgo: The new moon in Leo this week helps you to engage more emotionally and intuitively with people around you. Your warm and caring nature becomes more easily expressed through this transit. You come to appreciate the less flashy aspects of Leo season, like honesty, generosity and self awareness. Romantic endeavors feel more sincere and sweet under this moon. Your ruling planet Mercury in your sign beginning on the 11th gives your mind a keen and sharp edge.
Libra: The new moon in Leo on the 8th is a boost of self-confidence and openness, as with any new moon it is a time of renewal and an opportunity for change. You realize talk is cheap and actions are what brings results. In relationships you may be feeling more prepared to have honest and fair conversations without judging yourself or others too harshly. You meditate on meaning and purpose. You want to feel proud of yourself even if others don’t notice your work. The power comes from within.

Scorpio: The new moon in Leo has you mediating heavily on your self esteem. You can be hyper critical at times and it stops you from being open and drains your energy, energy that could be put to better use than nit-picking in the mirror. This new moon helps you get into what really matters and to follow your bliss. You often think of truth as something that always has to hurt to be “real,” but what if the truth is something kinder than that?
Sagittarius: The new moon in Leo is an opportunity to show that you care. You may see more clearly where your pride or ego has gotten in the way of your true goals in the past. A renewed approach to relationships has you feeling more available emotionally and more willing to make time for others. You find your own unique ways to take on your responsibilities in life without sacrificing fun and enjoyment. You must also find tactful ways to be honest, as bluntness can create difficulties.
Capricorn: The new moon in Leo is an ideal time to explore the more difficult aspects of your personal life. You can approach yourself with the duty and self respect you deserve beneath the noble sign of Leo. The energy of the week is a fresh start to find what feels good and move in that direction. Designing new plans for health and finance also bode well during this time.
Aquarius: The new moon in Leo on the 8th activates your partnership sector this week. You put forth effort to show you that you care in practical ways and your generous and caring side shines through. You are meditating on self awareness and wondering what others see when they look at you and interact with you (although you can never truly know). This helps you to tread through the month of August with great warmth and consideration.
Pisces: The new moon in Leo on the 8th brings renewed energy to personal goals and plans. You feel that you are ready to hold yourself accountable to the things you want to do and accomplish. Empty promises to yourself are just as unfair as the ones you say to somebody else. Setting small attainable goals that grow over time is a good way to feel stronger and improve your self esteem. Leo season is all about self confidence.