Horoscopes: March 12 – 18, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: This week is about taking a step back to look at the big picture. Your energy is running rather hot, and you have the potential to be particularly unfiltered with your words. Although you mean no harm, some folks might find this rather jarring. While March began peacefully, the vibes are beginning to amplify and they seem to be propelling you towards something big and exciting. There is a desire for your mind or your body to get ahead of one or the other. Try to keep the two synchronized or you’ll feel like a time traveler who does not recognize the place or time that they have arrived in.

Taurus: This week you get into the groove of managing your time wisely and identifying what is a worthwhile pursuit and what is not. A clear path may appear before your feet, where before you had imagined a dead end. The moon in your sign on the 16th and 17th raises your expectations and your ambitions in regards to relationships that are close to home. Be mindful of a selfish streak you may be inspired to follow through with. There are a great many things you find yourself wanting.

Gemini: The new moon on the 13th clears your head, and the rest of March is a strong month for you to roll up your sleeves and do the work. Mars in your sign provides you with lively energy and a boost of confidence. This week you truly feel like you are waking up from your winter hibernation and greeting the world with a renewed attitude. You are looking ahead with a certain anticipation that something good is going to happen soon, even if you’re not sure at all what it might be. 

Cancer: The new moon on the 13th has you craving solitude and asking some of life’s big questions, and while this may sound taxing, it is actually quite refreshing. You are in the middle of a spring cleaning of the spiritual variety, and there is joy in throwing some things that have collected dust straight out the window. Friends and family may find you a bit remote or hard to reach this week. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not feeling the most social at the moment; you’re kind of in the middle of something! 

Leo: The new moon on the 13th makes this a good week to have those difficult conversations in regards to boundaries and interpersonal conflicts. The energy in your communication sector can be laser guided this week if you are willing to make the first move to unlock that potential. More than ever you are seeing a path laid out before you and a practical and mindful way to navigate it. Stay present in the moment and step by step, you will reap the rewards. 

Virgo: This week and all of March has been about collective effort and teamwork You realize more and more that although you are a strong and independent person, the fact of the matter is that we all need friendship and community. Sometimes these sorts of involvements also require a small amount of compromise on your part, and if it is within reason, you should try to be flexible. The new moon on the 13th clears your head and gives you a simpler view on something that previously looked more complicated.

Libra: The new moon in Pisces on the 13th has you feeling withdrawn and pensive. You may want to spend the day lost in a book or watching a thought provoking movie. Inspiration from outside finds its way into your consciousness. March is a month about digging deeper to find a meaning that feels true to you on a subjective level. You may have a realization about someone or something that improves or changes the dynamic of a relationship or an environment that you spend a lot of time in. Keep an open mind and avoid the old tricks that you know wont work anymore. 

Scorpio: Mars in your ninth house for the rest of the month has you seeking higher wisdom and the sort of knowledge they won’t teach you in school. There is an emphasis on your outside the box thinking and unique approaches to life. Your unusual knowledge and your bravery to act outside the status quo play a powerful part in your success. This week you are embracing the fact that you cannot please everyone. You do not have to fear judgment from others. Only judgement from yourself can truly hurt you and hold you back.

Sagittarius: This week with Mars in your communication sector you may feel argumentative and competitive with those closest to you. Check in with yourself: are you arguing just for argument’s sake, or do you really have a reason to be expending so much energy? Don’t just flex your debate muscles without reason. The new moon in Pisces on the 13th shakes things up with some much needed free flowing inspiration. You may be compelled to branch out and try a new approach in your creative pursuits. Home and career problems may see an unexpected resolve.

Capricorn: The new moon in Pisces on the 13th is a clean slate in regards to your home life and daily routine. There is an energetic break in the monotony. You are seeking a sense of purpose in your studies and hobbies and are trying your best to make sense of the mysterious forces that sometimes drive you to do the things you do. A positive Mars aspect motivates you and boosts your confidence this week as well. Maybe it’s time to try something new since you are feeling less shy these days.

Aquarius: Mars in your romance, recreation and creativity sector lights a passionate fire in your heart this week, whatever you decide to pursue for the rest of March will be an intense and intriguing path indeed. Romantic relationships and artistic output seem to be approached with a special fervor you can’t quite put a label on. The new moon in Pisces on the 13th also helps you to channel your energy into the things you find enjoyable in a refreshingly lighthearted and earnest way. Your feelings gain momentum as the week progresses.

Pisces: The sun still in your first house means it’s all about what’s going on in your head, and you are confident that nobody knows you the way you know yourself, and that feels empowering. Mars in your home sector means you can be focusing energy and resources on decorating and improving your living situation. Meanwhile the new moon also in your sign on the 13th has you looking to overhaul your image and find a new, updated, and more accurate way to represent yourself to those around you. You want to show people what you are made of.

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