Horoscopes: March 5 – 11, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: Your ruling planet Mars is in Gemini for the next few weeks, and you are ready to start something new and engage in the outside world in a way that gets noticed. You may find that this pioneering energy can also come along with feelings of indecisiveness or intense switching back and forth from one thing to another. Try your best to keep balance instead of flipping from one extreme to the other. It will be worth the effort to keep your promises to others this week lest you come off as unreliable. You feel as though you are perfecting the art of being yourself.

Taurus: While you are generally known for your groundedness and consistency, this week you want the freedom to follow your whims. This may surprise some of the people around you, but don’t feel obligated to change your trajectory based solely off of that.  Mercury in your romance sector is bound to spice things up in the coming weeks. You may find yourself drawn to someone in a way that you have not been before, although it can be said that no two relationships in one’s life can be compared to one another.  Every interaction we have is one of a kind.

Gemini: Jupiter in your spirituality sector provides some much needed moral support as spring approaches. Your mood turns over a more optimistic leaf, and you may feel ready to take the next steps in the work or romance department that your pessimism has previously been delaying. Be sure to share the love, because some folks could really use it! A bigger picture is coming into view, and it will help you to stop sweating the small stuff so much.

Cancer: Jupiter in your friendship sector gives you the warm and fuzzies about the people around you. You may be finding it easier to express your true feelings, to say those nice things to people, and to even get a little sappy. Intimate connection and mutual support are highlighted. The moon moving through the bottom of your chart this week means that what is deep within you comes bubbling to the surface. There is an aura of the profound about your interactions at this time.

Leo: Jupiter and Saturn are helping you to visualize long term plans and to look ahead with hope instead of dread. This week you are embracing life and replacing your usual “go with the flow” attitude with a vibe that is more willful and determined. You know that downsides are inevitable, but you feel better prepared to roll with the punches and perhaps even take some sort of delight in them. The moon in the fellow fire sign of Sagittarius on the 5th and 6th are especially high energy days for you, expect good news.

Virgo: Jupiter in your work and well being sector provides a boost to your work and self care balance; you may even be able to find a way to reconcile those two concepts in the coming weeks. Mars in Gemini this week can have you feeling easily distracted and ansty so try not to be so hard on yourself about fidgeting or multitasking until your head is spinning. You’ll get back on track the sooner you stop fixating on your mistakes. Bullying yourself is a form of procrastination!

Libra: A unique Uranus and Jupiter aspect occurs in your romance sector this month. You are trying different approaches to your love life, maybe even saying things you never thought you would hear yourself say. You are accessing a new confidence that has been hibernating within for a long time. This week creates a positive space for expanding creative interests and pursuits as well as helping you draw inspiration from a “less is more” perspective. A little direction and self discipline goes a long way. Find something to do and try to see it through.

Scorpio: Recently you reassessed a relationship in your life. Something may have ended, something may have just begun, but either way there is a sense that you are realigning for the better. This week you take pleasure in the finer points and subtleties of the human experience. You are not seeking the same old cheap thrills. You are seeking comfort and a safe place to be your true vulnerable self, which is truly its own kind of thrill. Anyone who stays quiet long enough to listen will sense that there is thunder in your heart.

Sagittarius: The moon in your sign kicks off the weekend and provides a boost of lighthearted energy. You have been focusing heavily on the framework and practicalities of your day to day life for quite some time now. This week is your reminder to take a break, throw your planner in the corner for a day or two, and relax. Saturn in conjunction with Chiron casts a healing light on your love and self image sector and emphasises the power of quality time, not just with others but with yourself.

Capricorn: With Saturn out of your first house you are feeling less pressure to be the image of what society thinks of as “successful.” You are forging your own path as spring approaches and living in a more pared down way with a feeling of “no regrets.” The moon in your sign on the 7th and 8th inspires introspection and a sense that you carry your home with you wherever you go. There is a certain non-conformity to your vibe this week; you are truly unphased by the judgements and expectations of the world at large.

Aquarius: This week you are regaining your sense of balance, and there is a possibility for closure and remembrance due to Saturn’s influence. You are taking what you have learned and applying it in real and tangible ways. The moon in your sign on Sunday and Monday helps you to feel grounded and connected. It would be a good time to catch up with an old friend and tell them all of the things you’ve been experiencing, and to take note of how much we all change from day to day. 

Pisces: As we delve deeper into Pisces season you feel more comfortable taking the wheel. This week is brimming with personal and professional opportunities. Whether you think so or not, you have built up a network of people who trust and value your work and opinions and this can begin to yield results in exciting ways. Despite an emphasis on the affairs of the material world, don’t forget that you are still a water sign, and it’s still a treat for you to just space out and put on your favorite song. You create your own moods in that way, and people around you swim in the sea of your spell.

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