Horoscopes: Oct. 2 – 8, 2020

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: The full moon in your sign at the start of the month brings your energy to a rolling boil. Fears and anxieties around your sense of control can come up this week due to your ruler Mars’ transit. The best approach to this would be to stay open to changes of plans and alternative routes. Flexibility can be one of your greatest assets this week. Balance pulls into place by the end of the week as the pieces fall into place, and what you have been waiting for will be revealed. Venus entering Virgo this week means we may be feeling a bit more shy and reserved in the romance department, and that can be quite out of character for you.

Taurus: Your ruling planet Venus enters the quiet and practical sign of Virgo on the 2nd. This means you can be taking a more subtle approach to relationships these days, and you may be focusing more on the practical and logistical side of things instead of the flowery lavish aspects that you normally favor. You may be feeling more shy than usual as a result. Pluto turning direct in Capricorn mid week removes blockages on income and home projects. There is a feeling of security coming your way as things take shape and begin to move more according to plans.

Gemini: There is potential for the full moon in Aries to bring about an overexcitable energy for you, and you may want to watch to make sure you are not overstepping into someone else’s zone this week. Even good intentions can quickly run off the rails. There is a certain novelty to your creative energy this week and you may be feeling the things you’ve been trying to piece together are finally starting to click. Venus and Mercury in harmony helps you do some growing up as we proceed into the autumnal month of October. There is intrigue and motivation in store for you.

Cancer:  The full moon in Aries at the start of the month charges your social battery to 100%, and you feel motivated to get out there and engage with others and to swap ideas. There is opportunity to turn many pages this week. Progress and results are favored under two powerful Mars influences. Meanwhile Venus enters Virgo and your romance sector can feel more cut and dry than usual. There may be some conflict that feels productive and enlightening if you keep an open mind and find the positives in it. Keep the competitiveness at a realistic level and it can be a healthy thing, but if it’s allowed to take over you may find it becoming a wildfire.

Leo:  Venus’ shift into practical and brainy Virgo highlights your urge to organize projects and to make commitments. Things you have been postponing or things that have felt “off-limits” feel more accessible as Mercury and Pluto harmonize. There is an opportunity this week to practice healthy and firm communication and to be assertive in a calm and neutral fashion. Work and money can achieve a more refined flow since Pluto has gone station in Capricorn. A person or thing from the past may resurface this week and pique our interest in a new and modified capacity.

Virgo:  Venus entering your 1st house on the 2nd will spice up your social and romance sector. It also opens a pathway for useful information to be headed your way throughout the month, people may be feeling compelled to share and to confide with you. Make sure you are using your powers for good and not evil. Saturn’s turn direct station this week can also help resolve areas where you have been feeling cut-off or on hold. Endeavors can gain momentum; it is an ideal time to resume any forgotten projects or pick up things where they left off.

Libra: Libra season bodes well for all, but especially for you, Libra. The full moon at the start of the month that occurred in Aries provides a jump start on confidence and motivation. Your ruling planet Venus shifts into earthy and intellectual Virgo and your aspiration in relationships and romance become more clear cut and honest. Saturn also has its moment of good fortune as it turns station direct in Capricorn and obstacles in regards to money and business matter seem to dissipate throughout the month. Now is an ideal time to get the ball rolling on your short term goals. Do not overwhelm yourself with a multitude of tasks. Simplicity will seem to bring the most satisfaction.

Scorpio: As we venture further into the autumnal season your emotions deepen and your thoughts grow more complex. You may be feeling as if you are swimming through an ocean of your own mysteries this week. A Venus-Mars transit brings up sentimental notions of past relationships which may be clouded by nostalgia. Saturn’s turn direct in Capricorn provides relief in the financial and career sector this month, and there can be breakthroughs in the form of networking and perseverance. If you have been spartan in the luxury and spending department, you might consider getting yourself a little treat. Male time to enjoy yourself.

Sagittarius: You have been doing a lot of comparing yourself to others and it has been chipping away at your sense of self and your sense of peace. This week, as Saturn turns station direct in the sign of Capricorn, you can feel a sense of clarity that enables you to focus on your own path. Do not give yourself these universal benchmarks that have to be met at a certain time by yourself and those around you. Career, finance and lifestyle endeavors can begin to take shape under this positive Saturn aspect. Your discipline is paying off so don’t give up! 

Capricorn: The full moon in Aries that kick started the month of October leaves a residual glow. You are motivated to make interesting changes that may surprise those that are close to you. Saturn’s turn direct in your sign brings more focus to business and financial matters and can provide some relief and clarity to those areas’ roadblocks. Venus makes a shift into the practical fellow earth sign of Virgo. Romance and relationships begin to operate on a speed that is more to your liking, where predictability and loyalty are the values that propel things forward. You are a natural when it comes to those virtues.

Aquarius: Mars’ influence over the beginning of the week has you feeling slightly impulsive and forgetful. It can be quite challenging to stick to your word these days or even to remember saying the words! Make sure you’re keeping it simple and keeping it real. Rash decisions can cause discomfort in your inner circle. This is an ideal time to clear the air and to pick up where you left off on practical matters. Homelife, business, and finance are favored under this aspect and more progress can be made throughout the next three months. Venus moves into Virgo and there may be a sense of removing the rose-tinted glasses in regards to love and romance. A clear head may shift your perspective in unexpected ways.

Pisces:  A cloud of listlessness finally blows away and you feel a sense of revived resolution. Mars plays heavily at the beginning of the week and boosts your sense of independence and originality. Venus moves into the practical and intellectual sign of Virgo. Your relationship and romance sector gets a bit of a house-cleaning, and you can be feeling more frank about your needs and more willing to discuss what does and what does not work. Through Saturn’s transit you begin to see positive results to your consistent efforts in the fields of career, finance, education and networking over the next three months.

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