Phil Charron
executive VP | Wissahickon
“I do think that they could win a presidential election. It would be an uphill battle with the perspectives some folks in this country have. But if they put a good campaign together and they can resonate with folks, I think there’s been a monumental change in the past 10 years that would make it possible.”

Meghan Donovan
Property manager | Fairmount
“I think a gay candidate could definitely win a presidential election. I feel like in society now, more than ever, inclusion is so heavily promoted and I think that it’s a definite possibility that we could have a gay president in the future and I would welcome it.”

Cassandra Jefferson
Art teacher | Conshohocken, Pa.
“I believe that our world, our society, will eventually evolve to the point where they understand it doesn’t really matter what a person’s sexual identity is, only what content of character they have inside that will place them in a position to lead our country. We need someone with morality, someone with an ability to understand the needs of everyone, not just a chosen few. And I want to hold on to my belief. That keeps me going.”
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