Holly Gibson
physical-therapy student | Lindenwold, N.J.
“I’m going to Connecticut with my husband to visit his family. It’s great to get away from the craziness of the city. It doesn’t get any quieter than up there.They have a farm with lots of fresh vegetables. We’ll have a picnic with potato salad and roasted vegetables.”

Janine Love
bio-sample tech | Morrisville, N.J.
"I want to see a play that’s going to be performed in a cemetery. I saw it advertised on Facebook. I like the performing arts. It’s great entertain-ment. And the play’s location in a cemetery sounds intriguing to me."

Jennifer Love
pet sitter | Morrisville, N.J.
“I’d like to visit the aquarium in Camden. I love sea life. I have a 45-gallon tank in my home, filled with fish. There are 23 fish in the tank. I have a name for every one of them. So I’ll have a great time at the aquarium.”

Adam Ouanes
student | Gayborhood
“I hope to visit New York City and see some theater. I always love visiting the Big Apple. I get energized by its ambiance. Seeing a Broadway show stimulates my mind. I hope to see ‘The Band’s Visit.’”
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