Kathleen Caldwell
student | Center City
"I have mixed feelings. I disagree with a lot of Trump’s policies, especially his dealings with minority groups. But he is our president. And we can’t ignore him. If there’s an LGBT military contingent that wants to march, they have my wholehearted support. Actually, the recognition could be beneficial to the concept of LGBT equality in the military."

Zane Diamond
student | Hartford, Conn.
“No. Queer people in the military are frequently demonized for their queerness and/or trans-ness. Why should we participate in a parade that celebrates something that hurts us? I’d rather see people engage in volunteer efforts on behalf of queer veterans. That would be a much more worthwhile effort.”

Charlotte Ells
student | Swarthmore
"No. I’m not a fan of the American military in general. I don’t want to see anyone participating in Trump’s parade. Militarization is in direct opposition to an ideology of queer liberation."

Aryel Morton
dog walker | West Philadelphia
"Yes. But they should turn it into the gayest LGBT event ever. They should dance in the streets and shake their asses everywhere. Make a complete mockery of the thing. And there should be lots of anti-Trump placards."
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