What is the PGN staff grateful for?

Don: I’m thankful for the stability this year has brought to my life: my husband, my PGN family, my cats and my home. After all, the secret to happiness is to surround yourself with the things you love! 

Jen: I’m grateful beyond words to have had the opportunity to report LGBT news for more than 10 years as a member of the PGN staff. Having a front-row seat to some of the biggest moments in LGBT history has been absolutely life-changing. Doing this work alongside the amazingly talented staffers here at PGN, who have become my second family, has been the icing on the cake.

Jeremy: I am thankful to have been under the leadership of my editor, Jen Colletta, this past year. She has taught me so much since I became staff writer and it will be weird not seeing her every day. I am excited for her to move on to bigger opportunities but I will definitely miss her!  

Joe: Thankful to have my soulmate whom I love more and more every day. Thankful to have riches not in money but with people with whom I am blessed. Thankful to grow up and experience life regardless how tough it may be at times. Thankful to have an open heart to let people in and thankful to have a heart that refuses to let those same people go. Thankful for the stress I feel at times as it drives and pushes me to go for what I want in life.

Kyle: I’m thankful for my family, friends, my boyfriend Ryan, my job and tacos (in no particular order).

Larry: I’m thankful for friends, family and opportunities I have to express myself creatively.

Mark: I believe for any of us who have a hectic life Thanksgiving is a chance to pause and spend quality time with family and friends and let them know how much you appreciate them and how grateful you are to have them in your life.  

Prab: I’m thankful that both my biological and PGN families are in good health, and I’m grateful for their continued love and support.

Sandy: I’m so grateful to have worked with the awesome (and tolerant) Jen, whom I’ll greatly miss! And I’m thankful for life — my life and that of all my loved ones. It really is fragile. 

Scott: I am thankful that for the last 10 years I have had one of the most remarkable work partners of my life. Jen has been a confidant, a source of stress relief, comedic moments, great collaborations — We got two (2!) Sigma Delta Chis together! — mutual respect and an overall great friend. I will miss her greatly and I wish her all the best in all of her newest endeavors and adventures. <3

Sean: I’m thankful for good health, my family and the chance to be creative and play music. 

Tim: On a personal level, I’m grateful for family, colleagues and friends. On a cosmic level, I’m grateful for the infinite, ever-changing universe — which gives us life. Thank you very much!

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