Tiffany Ferriola
nurse | South Philadelphia
"Yes. I can see both sides of the story, but I think we need transparen-cy, consider-ing all the killings that are happening. It seems like every other day, you turn on the news and somebody has died [due to police], for no reason."

Logan Paz
cook | South Philadelphia
"Yes. I’m not a big fan of cops. If they kill someone, the public has a right to know their identity. It’s a safety issue for everyone. People who aren’t straight, white, cisgendger males are at risk for police violence."

Antonio Stokes
senior chef | South Philadelphia
"First, just release the officer’s name to the victim’s immediate family. They’re grieving and have a right to know what happened. But you also have to consider the [privacy] rights of the officer. If the family wants to publicize the officer’s name on their own, they should seek legal counsel before doing so."

Kiki Volkert
writer | Bella Vista
"Yes. They should be held accountable. Cops should be held to the same standards as normal civilians. Regardless of whether the shooting was justified, the public has a right to know their names."
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