Barney Frank talks Trump and how Democrats can ‘take back’ power

An out former Congressman next week will take a local stage for a series of performances.

Former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank will narrate Gunther Schuller’s 1962 story “Journey into Jazz” Oct. 6-8 as part of Chamber Orchestra’s FIRST EDITIONS program. The former Congressman from Massachusetts noted that the orchestra stage is a new platform for him. 

“It’s a new thing for me but I’m looking forward to it,” the 77-year-old said. “I think it’s going to be fun.”

Frank retired from Congress in 2013, more than 25 years after coming out as gay. 

He noted how different the current political climate is from when he left D.C., calling the presidential election in November a “disaster.”

“Donald Trump has been such an obvious failure as president, even by his own standard,” Frank said. “He is so unpopular and he made it even worse with this fight he has picked with the NFL players. He’s discrediting his own approach. The bad news is that he’s so terrible but the good news is that the public understands it. We are seeing the beginning of a breaking of the hold that the right wing had.” 

Frank specifically referenced current perceptions of health care.

He said President Obama’s Affordable Care Act has gained public support since Trump’s efforts to try to repeal the law.

“The political climate has significantly improved in reaction to Trump’s outrages,” Frank said. 

He urged residents in Republican-majority areas to mobilize to tell representatives not to vote for “terrible” laws. He also recommended gearing up now for midterm elections so Democrats can take back the House and the Senate.

“I think the chances are getting better and better now for big Democratic gains,” Frank said. “Be organized now. The midterm elections are a little over a year away. Start getting engaged. There’s a couple of good candidates. Go work with one of them. Work with the local political organizations. The focus at this point should be on mobilizing and making sure we get the maximum vote in 2018.” 

That outreach effort needs to extend to those who sat out the last election, Frank added. 

“We’ve got to get everybody to vote. If all of the people who disagree strongly with Trump [vote], we’ll take back the House and maybe the Senate. The key thing is to build on the unpopularity of Trump for the midterm election.”

For more information on Frank’s upcoming stage appearances, visit

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