Britni Nelson
sous-chef | Old City
"No, because President Trump is close-minded to change. It comes from being old-fashioned. He was raised in a different time. I just hope this issue will inspire a conversation that will bring about a new [presidential] administration."

Jessica Rose
bartender | South Philadelphia
"No. I don’t like Trump. I don’t think he’ll allow trans recruits to serve openly in the military. I don’t feel good about the way he treats most people. I’m very concerned that he won’t give transgender people a fair shake."

Taylor Scott
sign maker | Bellefonte
"I’d be very surprised if Trump allows that to happen. The way the man talks about women is horrendous. How he would talk about the transgender community, I can only imagine. Trump doesn’t seem to believe in equal rights for anyone, except straight white males."

Nicole Wiegand
store manager | Bella Vista
"I highly doubt it. The man is insane. Pence is no better. Pence’s mission in life seems to be to destroy the LGBT movement. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Trump to be fair to the trans community. It’s naïve to think he’s even considering this."
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