Leah Bush
doctoral student | Baltimore, Md.
"No, not in this age of social media. Social media will harass and stalk them to no end. I can’t get behind that. However, it would be nice if we could get a breakdown of the vote — not by naming the jurors, just by their juror number. In a free society, we have a right to at least that much information."

Kelsey Gunning
sales associate | South Philadelphia
"No. They’ll get hounded by the press. They didn’t ask to be on the case. They’ve suffered enough. If their names are released, other people will try to get out of jury service. It’s hard enough to get people to serve on juries."

David Smith
student | Wynnefield
"No, they shouldn’t release the jurors’ names. Jurors have a right to privacy. But they should release how each juror voted, without identifying them by name. That way, we can make an intelligent choice about having a retrial [for Cosby]."

Lori Vogt
nurse | Phoenixville
"No. I feel the jurors have a right to their anonymity. They were put in a position where they had to make a hard decision. They deserve to be protected. Otherwise, people will be afraid to be jurors. And our justice system won’t work."
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