Comcast makes LGBT content ‘easier to discover’ 

Xfinity customers will experience LGBT-centered content throughout Pride Month and beyond with Comcast’s new integrated-marketing campaign.

“There’s a great hunger from all of our customers for diverse stories and we know this because ‘LGBTQ’ repeatedly shows up as our top-10 requested searches on our platforms,” said Comcast Executive Director of Multicultural Services Jean-Claire Fitschen. “We know there’s a lot of interest and that it’s very likely that that interest is very diverse as well.”

While Comcast has always offered content featuring LGBT themes, Fitschen said the company “wanted to make it easier to discover.” The new campaign allows viewers to speak terms into their Xfinity remotes to bring up content of their choosing. These terms include “LGBTQ,” “gay TV shows,” “lesbian movies,” “transgender,” “Pride” and other variations of LGBT-focused words.

Additionally, viewers can click through categories for each specific demographic from “L” to “Q” and browse terms such as “coming-out stories” or “love stories.” 

“Over a period of time, film and TV have become more and more inclusive and there are great stories to tell,” Fitschen said. 

She added the content “really curates and amplifies incredible stories entirely focused on LGBTQ characters and storylines.”

Comcast compiled the content through community partnerships with LGBT-friendly organizations. Organizations such as GLAAD, PFLAG and Out & Equal provided feedback and suggestions for content. Fitschen noted “each organization has a specific lens”; for example, PFLAG offered content suggestions based around diverse families. 

Customers will also receive a free preview of LGBT TV network Here TV through June 28. Fitschen said LGBT and ally customers will continue to see this program evolve.

“People can look forward to always being able to find this content on their platform and always find new content as the stories continue to grow around the LGBT community,” she said. “We will continue to have this platform and amplify it to all of our customers.”

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