Office of LGBT Affairs launches new website

 The Office of LGBT Affairs launched a new website Thursday.

Jason Evans, treasurer for the Commission on LGBT Affairs, is spearheading the website development.

As of presstime, the new site includes information on the office’s mission along with links to blog posts. It can be found at

Evans worked with Dominic McGraw, the Energy Project Coordinator for the Office of Sustainability and two Office of Digital and Data Transformation staff members — Jacqueline Siotto and Tim Wisniewski.

Evans, McGraw and Hikes will oversee the content on the new site.

“Blogs are being posted on the Chief of Diversity and Inclusion’s site but we thought we should have a stand-alone site of our own,” Evans said at a commission meeting Tuesday night. “They were going to make a sub-site of the Diversity Office and we were like, ‘No, we need to stand alone.’ It gets cluttered and confusing so we will have our own direct link to our page.”

Evans said the office plans to include calendars, contact information for LGBT organizations and blog posts from the commission and community members.

“Eventually, our big plan is to have a one-stop shop,” Evans said. “What we would like to do is have one place and it can redirect you to all of those sites based on what you need. You can go to a city website and it can take you wherever you need to go.”

Evans described his vision for how people can use the website in the future.

“I think about children who are at home and they might have a [parental] blocker [on their computers],” he said. “They can go to a city website and get some information. They can get a phone number or an email address.”

Evans said the plan is to make accessing these resources “as easy as possible.”

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