Joy Costillo
graduate student | South Philadelphia
"Yes. If you’re a person with integrity, it wouldn’t be a problem. You know you’re not doing anything wrong. I think President Trump is hiding something. My personal opinion is that Trump cheated on his taxes. That’s why he doesn’t want to release them."

Nadia Dy
mental-health therapist | Point Breeze
I have mixed feelings. I fully support transparency in gov-ernment, and there are many requirements to meet for a person to be president. But passing that law could border on a privacy intrusion. I personally would like to see Trump’s taxes, but not every candidate is going to be as untrustworthy as Trump."

Ryan Morgan
carpenter | Germantown
"Yes. Don’t run for president if you don’t want your tax filings released to the public. It’s also important because a president may have foreign connections that the public has a right to know about. Release of their tax filings could reveal those connections."

Heath Woodson
systems engineer | New York City
"Yes. That would increase the public’s trust [in government]. The public doesn’t trust politicians, generally speaking. We need to know the conflicts of interest a candidate may have. We also need to know their financial dealings, and whether they pay taxes at all. Requiring the release of their taxes has my full support."
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