Cynthia Kelly
barber | South Philadelphia
“I do think the mishap has taken some of the shine away from the movie. If that didn’t happen, ‘Moonlight’ may have received more recognition as an LGBT achievement. But at least people know that it exists. Maybe they’ll go out to see it. I definitely plan on seeing it.”

Andre Keys
musician | Wilmington, Del.
“No, I think it’s a great thing for the film. I actually have a bootleg copy of ‘Moonlight.’ It really is a breakthrough achievement for the African-American community and the LGBT community. All the fuss has piqued people’s curiosity. They’re wondering what all this commotion is about. So I wouldn’t be surprised if sales go up.”

Michael McGill
cook | Northeast Philadelphia
“No, the snafu is helping the film. I heard of ‘Moonlight’ [before the Oscar ceremony] but I thought it was a television show. Now I know it’s a movie. I’m going to see it with my fiancée. Getting that award shows people that an LGBT film has the same chance [for an Oscar] as any other film.”

Vincent Strijkan
artist | East Falls
“No, the mix-up will serve to enhance recognition of ‘Moonlight.’ It sounds like a great film. I hope the incident will entice people to learn more about ‘Moonlight.’ While it’s a complicated milestone — milestone it is. Besides, we’re living in a year of clumsiness. So it’s sort of fitting, in a way.”
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